Scrib, script to write
We use adjectives to describe nouns. To say or write down how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing We use adjectives to describe nouns.
Shaun put an inscription in my wedding ring. A short dedication written in a book or engraved on something, such as a coin or monument Shaun put an inscription in my wedding ring.
The ancient manuscript is on display at the museum. A piece of writing; a book The ancient manuscript is on display at the museum.
postscript P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished I left a postscript at the end of my letter letting Shaun know to feed Milo.
prescription A piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy I have to go pick up my prescription for my contacts before the pharmacy loses today.
scribble Sloppy writing that is hard to read My 3 year old cousin thinks that her handwriting is very neat, but it is only just scribbles.
The young scribe kept track of all the livestock in the town. A person who writes things down The young scribe kept track of all the livestock in the town.
Please follow along in your script so you know when it is your turn. A set of paper with writing that will be read and acted out Please follow along in your script so you know when it is your turn.
subscription A written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time As an engagement gift, my friend got me a subscription to three different bridal magazines.
I recorded the song and I'll transcribe it on paper tonight. To write down or record; to translate I recorded the song and I'll transcribe it on paper tonight.