LT 1 and LT 2 Review
Let’s back up a bit... LT 1 and LT 2 were covered in your reading notes. LT 1: I can define migration. LT 2: I can describe the migration patterns of early Humans. Rate how you feel about LT 1: thumbs up, in the middle, or down? Rate how you feel about LT 2. Could you describe were humans migrated to in approximate order? thumbs up, in the middle, or down?
In your notebooks, in own words... Migration means to move from one place to another. Early humans migrated out of Africa. Human migration pattern…..this answer is complicated--and long!! Let’s try to simplify it…. In your notebooks, in own words... Define the term migration. Write about the pattern of human migration. Where did we start? Where did we go next? And then? Students share answers, discuss results
LT 2: Let’s number these in order. What do we think happened first LT 2: Let’s number these in order. What do we think happened first? Second? Third? etc…. 5 6 4 3 4 2 2 7 1 5 2
LT 2: Does this map match our pattern from the last slide LT 2: Does this map match our pattern from the last slide? What is different about this map? How would we describe this pattern? Let’s write it!
WAIT A SECOND!!!!! HOW DID HUMANS GET FROM RUSSIA (continent of Asia) TO NORTH AMERICA?!?!?!? 3. So, how did humans migrate from Russia to the Americas? (LT 2) The BERING LAND BRIDGE
Let’s watch one more video… As we watch, check to see if this video accurately follows what you think is the pattern of early human migration. LT 2: I can describe the migration patterns of early humans.
4. Now, let’s write to describe the pattern of human migration 4. Now, let’s write to describe the pattern of human migration. Where did we start? Where did we go next? And then? Use these words in your answer: South America, Southern Europe, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Australia, North America, Middle East, Africa, Northern Europe, BERING land bridge.