Forsyth County Public Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM %2fsummerreading
Bookmarks SUMMER READING PROGRAM Booklets are available for interested students,or you can get one from BOOKMARKSNC.ORG There are specific book requirements and book lists for K-2, 3-5, Middle School, High School. Students read a required number of books (10 for K-2) (5 for 3-5). A set number of books must be from the bookmarks book list. Students may either do a written or visual response to some of the books and must answer 1 discussion question for each book read. Reading logs and responses are due by Aug. 30, 2017 More specific details and requirement information are in the booklets.
Barnes & Noble SUMMER READING PROGRAM Read 8 books this summer - record them in the Barnes & Noble summer reading journal (You can get a downloadable version online at BN.COM/summerreading ) For each book in your reading journal, tell which part of the book was your favorite and why. Bring completed journal to Barnes & Noble before September 5, 2017. Choose a free book from the book list on the back of the reading journal