Comparing J2EE and .NET Frameworks * 07/16/96 Comparing J2EE and .NET Frameworks Puttam Reddy Venkata Karthik M.S. Defense Major Professor: Dr. William Hankley 11/28/2018 *
Introduction Overview of J2EE and .Net frameworks Discussion of system and application architectures of the frameworks Analogies and differences between the frameworks J2EE and .Net Pet stores Sample Application – Food and Nutrition Program Proposal Application Conclusion
Overview of J2EE and .Net J2EE refers to a group of specifications, frameworks, technologies, etc. It does not as such refer to any specific language. Comprises of a number of programming and scripting languages. Cross-platform portability. Availability of open-source libraries. Huge server-side deployment base. Coverage for most W3C standards .
Overview of J2EE and .Net – contd. .Net is a framework developed by Microsoft. Used to build web and windows based applications. Uses several programming languages and libraries. Quickly build, deploy and manage applications. Consistent programming model. Direct support for security. Simplified development efforts. Easy application deployment and maintenance.
J2EE System Architecture
.NET System Architecture
J2EE Application Architecture
.NET Application Architecture
Comparison between J2EE and .NET FEATURE J2EE .NET Type of Technology Standard Product Middleware Vendors Oracle, IBM, BEA Systems and many others Microsoft Web Pages and HTML JSPs ASP.NET Middle-Tier Components EJBs .Net Managed Components Database Connectivity JDBC ADO.NET Execution Engine JVM (Java Virtual Machine) CLR (Common Language Runtime) Portability Variety of Operating systems Windows Interpreter JRE CLR Language support JAVA Multiple Languages Tools support Eclipse, JBuilder etc. Visual Studio.Net
Comparison between J2EE and .NET – contd. HTML generation J2EE – JSPs and Servlets .NET – ASP.NET under Internet Information Server (IIS) Transactions J2EE – manual transaction management or automated through containers .NET – manual transaction management or automated through CLR
Comparison between J2EE and .NET – contd. Calling remote objects J2EE – JNDI finds server-side components such as EJBs or JMS queues. .NET – .Net remoting allows calls to remote objects distributed across application domains, processes, and machine boundaries. Data Access J2EE – Two main types of entity beans are used to model persistent data which are container-managed and bean-managed. .NET – A variety of data sources can be accessed by developers through .Net's ADO.Net classes.
Comparison between J2EE and .NET – contd. Execution Engine J2EE – Java source code compiles into machine-independent byte code, which the JVM interprets at runtime. .NET – The CLR environment executes .Net's Microsoft Intermediate Language code. Cross - platform portability J2EE – J2EE offers complete cross-platform portability. .NET – .Net only supports the Windows platform.
Comparison between J2EE and .NET – contd. Language support J2EE – Only Java is supported. .NET - It is language independent and can use any language once a mapping exists from that language to IL. Tools support J2EE – Java features a plethora of tools – Eclipse, JBuilder, JDeveloper etc. .NET – Visual Studio .Net, the single IDE for building .Net windows, web applications, or XML Web services. Vendor support J2EE – Vendor support represents one of the major strongholds of J2EE. .NET – Currently, .Net is a Microsoft platform.
J2EE and .NET Pet stores Sample e-commerce application where customers can buy pets online in various categories. Ability to search and browse for products through a website. The J2EE Pet store documents the best practices, design patterns, and architectural ideas for J2EE applications. Java Pet Store: The main J2EE Blueprints application. Java Pet Store Administrator: The administrator module for the Java Pet Store. Blueprints Mailer: A mini-application that presents some of the J2EE Blueprints design guidelines in a smaller package.
J2EE and .NET Pet stores – contd. Similar application called the .NET Pet store has been implemented in .NET using C# and focuses solely on the Java Pet store component. The administration or mailer component were not implemented. Was built to compete with the J2EE version and document .NET’s own best practices for building enterprise n-tier applications. Further objectives include compare and contrast code size and number of users supported when implemented in .NET and J2EE .NET version claims superiority over J2EE version based on lines of code, response time, CPU utilization and scalability.
Pet store Use Case diagram
Pet store session Homepage - This is the main page that loads when the user first starts the application. Category View - There are five top-level categories: Fish, Dogs, Reptiles, Cats, and Birds. Each category has several products associated to it. If we select Fish as the category, we might see "Angelfish" etc. Products - If you now select a product the application will display all variants of the product. Typically the product variant is either male or female. Product Details - Each product variant (represented as items) will have a detailed view that displays the product description, a product image, price, and the quantity in stock. Shopping Cart - This allows the user to manipulate the shopping cart (add, remove, and update line items). Checkout - The checkout page displays the shopping cart in a read-only view. Login Redirect - When the user selects "Continue" on the checkout page, they are redirected to login page if they have not signed in yet. Verify Sign In - After being authenticated onto the site, the user is then redirected to the credit card and billing address form. Confirm Order - The billing and the shipping addresses are displayed. Commit Order - This is the final step in the order-processing pipeline. The order is now committed to the database at this point.
Pet store statistics
Pet store statistics
Sample Application – Food and Nutrition Program Proposal Application Addition of a new module developed using .NET, C# and Oracle 10 g, to the existing FNP website. Allows county agents throughout the state of Kansas to submit online budget proposals and review salaries and benefits information. Generates in excess of 25 automated reports based on different calculations. Keeps track of changes made to applications between fiscal years. Stores information by county about proposals, personnel information, collaborating agencies, equipment used and proposed curriculum. Minimizes need for manual data entry Provides several layers of user authentication. All data and reports are dynamically generated based on user input.
System Architecture County Agent Admin Front End (HTML and c#) Middleware (.NET Framework) Back End (Oracle 10g) Manage Agent session Add, Edit, Update, Print FNP Proposal Application Manage Admin session Perform Admin activities Database
Database Design
Use Case Diagram
Control flow diagram for County Agent Index Page Check Login Information Agent Welcome Page * Add FNP Proposal Application * View and Print FNP Proposal Application Edit FNP Proposal Application Add/Update Information Incorrect Login
Control flow diagram for System Administrator Check Login Welcome Page * Add/Edit FNP Proposal Applications *Perform Report Add/Edit Counties Save item Information Save county Index Page Incorrect Login
Enhancements Speed Reduction in lines of code Improved user navigation Ease of deployment Automated data and report generation Storage of view state in state server Cascading style sheets
Testing – ANTS Load
Testing – contd.
Conclusion The .Net and J2EE frameworks were compared. A concise understanding of the two technologies was obtained. A comparison between The .Net and J2EE pet stores, was drawn. Results of published tests seem to indicate that the .Net framework achieved better results. Given that benchmarks are considered unreliable because they are based on a specific set of rules, no conclusion can be drawn from these tests. The design approaches to building an application in the frameworks is different. The .Net approach constructs a model based on the database schema and is driven mostly by the database implementation. The J2EE framework focuses more intensely on an object model, as demonstrated by the J2EE pet store and all designs are influenced by the J2EE design patterns.
Conclusion – contd. Given the features and capabilities of each framework are similar to each other but implemented in different ways, it is not possible to conclude that one framework is better than the other. The most suitable conclusion to the .NET vs. J2EE debate is that both frameworks will enjoy widespread use and with the advent of interoperability, it will be possible to get the best of both these frameworks. Also, a sample project was implemented in .Net, which provides users with a dynamic and flexible interface and furthers my understanding of the .Net framework.
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