Stress and Support By: Kayli Tempro 7Ma
What Is The Source Of Stress? Imagine that there is a big school project coming up and you are working in a group with 3 other classmates. But soon after the project starts you realize that you the only one who is actually doing work. You try to get the other kids to do their fair share but they don’t respond.
Continued... So not wanting to fail the assignment you continue to do all the work yourself being left out of your group members conversations.Realizing the situation was unfair you went to the teacher, they got your group in trouble but they were now calling you a snitch.
What NOT To Do. Say “ Get to work RIGHT NOW or else i'm gonna tell on you.” Complain to them Get too mad
What You Should Do. Have a civilized conversation with them. Ask them to nicely help you with the project. Give them something small to do to get them involved.
What The conversation Might Look Like. You: Hey I feel like i’m the only one doing work can you please help me with this project. Them: I don’t want to. You: Please I could really use your help, I don’t want to do this project on my own.
Continued... Them: Ok but I don’t know what we are supposed to do. You: I can help with that. Them: Ok I will help you with the project. You: Thanks I really appreciate it.
Conclusion. In this situation you were the only person working on a project. But after you talked to them they agreed to help out. The best way to solve most problems is to talk to the person who you are having trouble with.
Links 1 Conversation: n&rlz=1CAACAG_enCA747CA747&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5wYPCw5XUAhVD8GMKHR MUATsQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=630&safe=activ e&ssui=on
Links 2 Getting Mad Clipart: rsation&rlz=1CAACAG_enCA747CA747&sou rce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM yYDywpXUAhVBz2MKHZ_IAc4Q_AUICigB&biw =1366&bih=630&safe=active&ssui=on#sa fe=active&tbm=isch&q=getting+mad+cli part
Links 3 Bullying Scenarios: Mrs.Bohaychuks Information Station: ssupport-project.html
Links 4 Group Project: +project&rlz=1CAACAG_enCA747CA747&so urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj H2vuMwpXUAhUFKWMKHQLTCBQQ_AUICigB&bi w=1366&bih=630&safe=active&ssui=on
Presentation by: Kayli Tempro 7MA THE END Presentation by: Kayli Tempro 7MA