Organic vs. Conventionally grown produce
What is Organic Produce? What does organic mean? Why does organic produce sometimes look differently than other produce?
What’ the difference? Conventional Organic Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. Synthetic insecticides to reduce pests and disease. Use synthetic herbicides to manage weeds. Organic Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants. Spray pesticides from natural sources; use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease. Use environmentally-generated plant-killing compounds; rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds.
How do you know it’s organic? PLU starts with 9 - - - - has been produced according to USDA standards
Do 'organic' and 'natural' mean the same thing? No, "natural" and "organic" are not interchangeable terms. You may see "natural" and other terms such as "all natural," "free-range" or "hormone-free" on food labels. These descriptions must be truthful, but don't confuse them with the term "organic." Only foods that are grown and processed according to USDA organic standards can be labeled organic.
Why are Pesticides Used? help make groceries more affordable by saving crops from damage.
What dangers are there in Pesticides? But research shows that pesticides contribute to a wide range of health problems: cancer lung disease reproductive problems ( Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples today) possibly disorders of the endocrine and immune systems. can cause permanent changes in brain chemistry that may lead to behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, and even long-term damage of the brain and nervous system.
Babies and Young children? Pesticide exposure can affect your baby today as well as in the future. Some of the effects may not become apparent until later in life.
How do pesticides affect kids differently than adults Children tend to eat a limited number of foods, which can increase their exposure to specific pesticides. Eat more food relative to their body weight than adults do. absorb pesticides more easily. their bodies may be less capable of breaking them down. Pesticides can block the absorption of nutrients that are vital to healthy growth and development.
Why is organic so expensive? Farmers that choose to grow food, genetically engineered to be saturated in chemicals, receive financial aid called “subsidies.” They also get marketing support and crop insurance. While farmers growing things organically, don’t, making their products more costly to produce.
Top produce to buy organic: Nectarines – 97.3% of nectarines sampled were found to contain pesticides. Celery – 94.5% of celery sampled were found to contain pesticides. Pears – 94.4% of pears sampled were found to contain pesticides. Peaches – 93.7% of peaches sampled were found to contain pesticides. Apples – 91% of apples sampled were found to contain pesticides. Cherries – 91% of cherries sampled were found to contain pesticides. Strawberries – 90% of strawberries sampled were found to contain pesticides. Imported Grapes – 86% of imported grapes (i.e. Chile) sampled were found to contain pesticides. Spinach – 83.4% of spinach sampled were found to contain pesticides. Potatoes – 79.3% of potatoes sampled were found to contain pesticides. Bell Peppers – 68% of bell peppers sampled were found to contain pesticides. Red Raspberries – 59% of red raspberries sampled
Produce with least pesticides: Bananas Broccoli Cauliflower Corn Kiwi Mangoes Onions Papaya Pineapples Sweet Peas
How can I buy organic without spending lots of money? Go Orgo-Generic: Major grocery store chains like Safeway and Kroger, and big box food retailers like Costco and even Aldis, now carry their own organic foods. And all foods labeled “USDA organic” are created equal, no matter where you find them. Buy Frozen: Frozen foods (like strawberries and fish) are cheaper than those that are delivered fresh. So if the prices on fresh produce are eye-popping, cruise on over to the frozen food aisle for a discount. Eat with the Season: Retrain your taste buds to think like your grandmother did. She didn’t eat strawberries in the middle of winter. Locally grown foods are usually cheaper than those flown in from another hemisphere so if you eat with the season, you’ll be eating more affordably. Support the US economy and Buy Local: You can save money by becoming a member of a local farm (just like you became a member at Safeway or Costco!). How do you find a local farm, you ask? Well, thankfully, the USDA now has a list of online sites to help you find the closest farm near you, Grow One Thing: If you’re as busy as we are, there’s not a chance in creation that you are going to be able to feed your family off of your home-grown harvest, but you will find that growing a tomato plant can be incredibly inspiring. And it’s not as intimidating as it seems.
What is the dirty dozen? Pesticide alert: 12 most contaminated fruits and veggies Clean 15-
Is organic worth it?
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