Art 5 3-D Straw Tower
Challenge: Visually illustrate balance, emphasis, contrast, pattern or movement three dimensionally with simple materials.
Think: Lines connect to create shapes. Repeated shapes add to visual unity. How can you help the viewer visually move through your work?
Plan: Know that repetition creates visual unity. Plan: Know that repetition creates visual unity. Restrict size of work to your work space and no taller than 4 feet high. How will you distribute weight?
Use: White paper straws Foam core for base White glue Tracing paper
Construct: What size/shape is base? Will you add straws directly to base OR Will you build flat units of repeated shapes on table and connect with other units? When linear aspects of structure are complete, glue tracing paper to various shapes in order to help viewer see direction or help the eye flow through the work.
Evaluate: What principle have you illustrated? What elements help the viewer visually move through your work? Have you used good craftsmanship? Did you use your time wisely?