100 AIR-MILE EXEMPTION What is required?
100 Air-mile Radius Exemption All on-duty time still counts towards the 60/70 limits Only exempts drivers from completing a ROD for that time – still has to account for the on-duty time and turn in record Applies to vehicles that require a CDL to operate 395.1(e)(1)
100 Air-mile Exemption Criteria Operate within 100 air-mile radius of normal work reporting location Return and released from duty within 12 consecutive hours At least 10 consecutive hours off duty separate each 12 consecutive hours on duty Driver does not exceed 11 hours driving 395.1(e)(1)
Required Records Time driver reports for duty each day Total number of hours on duty each day Time driver released from duty each day Total time for the preceding 7 days for drivers used the first time or intermittently Retain for 6 months
Exempt Log Book If your drivers always qualify for the exemption or rarely go outside of it then you may want to use an exempt log book
See questions #16 and 17 in the interpretations for 395.1 for guidance.
Interpretation 395.1 Question 16: May a driver use a record of duty status form as a time record to meet the requirement contained in the 100-air-mile radius exemption? Guidance: Yes, provided the form contains the mandatory information.
Interpretation 396.1 Question 17: Is the “mandatory information” referred to in the previous guidance that required of a normal RODS under section 395.8(d) that of the 100-air-mile radius exemption under section 395.1(e)(5)?
Interpretation 395.1 Guidance: The “mandatory information” referred to is the time records specified by §395.1(e)(5) which must show: (1) the time the driver reports for duty each day; (2) the total number of hours the driver is on duty each day; (3) the time the driver is released from duty each day; and (4) the total time for the preceding 7 days in accordance with §395.8(j)(2) for drivers used for the first time or intermittently.
Interpretation 395.1 Using the RODS to comply with §395.1(e)(5) is not prohibited as long as the RODS contains driver identification, the date, the time the driver began work, the time the driver ended work, and the total hours on duty.
Closing Make sure the driver is able to explain what they are doing… The driver is not required to carry any documentation (we suggest exempt log or graph log as a time card) If the driver does not meet the exemption they need to complete a log
Closing When they don’t qualify all time spent in 100 air-mile does count against their 70 hours