Writing Focus Question How to focus your research topic
1. Choose an interesting general topic You need to be interested in the bigger topic for you to be successful
2. Do some quick research to see what main ideas come up Look at subtitles, headings, pictures, maps, graphs, etc. to see the specific topics that come up within the general one.
3.Think about your audience Is this for a teacher? For other students? The general public? All of them? Will your interests fit with your audience’s interest? Does it fit with the purpose?
5. Start asking open-ended question “How” – How did the Japanese come to surrender? “Why” – was the surrender made when and where it was made?
6. Think about where you think the research might go
7. Make your questions focused Example: WRONG Unfocused: Why are social networking sites dangerous? RIGHT Focused: How are online users making sure they are safe when they are online?
Now it’s your turn…. Working with a partner, write some questions to narrow your focus