WELCOME! Back To School Night 2018 *Please write a special note for your child to read tomorrow on the sheet provided at their seat.
https://youtu.be/_D1v8W1FWvE https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fnMpqeBKzRqryOE- XdeQ654nXERc9CR_/view?usp=sharing
Fridays at 2:45 Parent Volunteer Program Sign Up -Parents, grandparents, other relatives come to our classroom to read a story to our class. -Secret -3 clues before you come Fridays at 2:45 Parent Volunteer Program
Reader's Workshop Independent Reading Guided Reading & Partner Reading Shopping Benchmarks Reading Levels 1st Quarter (11/13) 4th Quarter Level E Level I/J/K Sight Words 50-65 160-180 More than just being able to read the words **Comprehension (inferring, drawing conclusions)
Writer's Workshop Units: Personal Narratives Writing Reviews (Opinion) Nonfiction Books Realistic Fiction Poetry Informational -Writing Like Scientists Focus on: (beginning of the year) Stretching words, spacing, sentence formation capitalization, punctuation, content, elaboration, feelings, facts
Fundations Letter formation, line orientation Phonemic awareness – Letter sounds Repetition** Practiced in a variety of ways
Everyday Math Counting: 2’s, 5’s, 10’s Place Value: Ones, Tens, Hundreds Patterns Shapes Measuring Addition/Subtraction Telling Time Fractions Problem Solving*
Everyday Math Study guides are checklists sent home about a week before test. One is going home tomorrow. First assessment is on Oct. 2nd and 4th Odd numbered units: Day 1: Assess skills learned in that unit Day 2: Open Response problem Even numbered units: Day 2: Cumulative assessment Open Response = problem solving Apply the skill/concept learned in class to a NEW problem Built on throughout the years ; not something that should be mastered right away
Social Studies All About Families Where We Live Good Citizens Jobs *Skill sheets completed in class will go home at the end of each unit. No assessment
Science Weather Organisms New Plants *Skill sheets completed in class will go home at the end of each unit. No assessment
Health Respect, feelings, “I messages” Teeth Nutrition Exercise Safety Goals/decisions Diseases and illnesses
Homework Reading Read for 10 minutes (Stop to talk about the book, understand what's happening) Reader’s Response completed with a book from THEIR BAGGIE on their independent level Return at the end of the month Math HomeLink Practice facts ConnectEd Fundations (Sent home sporadically) Practice sight words, letters, sounds
Reminders Sneakers on PE days (T/W) Return library books on Mondays Any change in dismissal requires a written note on that day sent to the teacher. (Or a phone call to the office) Snack every day Book baggie and all its contents returned everyday Clean out homework folder and backpack Birthdays –no food/candy, non-food items are OK: pencils, erasers…, donated book for classroom library *school store gift certificates- can be purchased in any denomination Change of clothes
INFORMATION PACKET Note for your child =) **Specific information regarding your child’s progress and additional information will be given out at Conferences in October. Note for your child =) Mystery Reader sign up (send back in with your child) Reading with your child resources ConnectEd Login Games, HomeLinks, Reference Book
Save the Date! First Grade Family Night: October 17th 7-8pm Flyer will go home before the event Thank you for coming! My email: aaffinito@ebnet.org