15th meeting of WG DIKE 27 April 2017, Brussels


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Presentation transcript:

15th meeting of WG DIKE 27 April 2017, Brussels Examples on how to use the different levels of integration in schema ‘ART8_GES’

(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are no elements and only one criteria/parameter is used for the overall status: D2C1 OverallStatus ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Criteria: D2C1 Parameter: Presence ThresholdValue: 0 ThresholdValueSource: EU ValueAchieved: 1 ValueUnit: {species} ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved:No … GEScomponent: D2C1 Feature: Introduction of NIS FeatureStatusExtent: n.a. FeatureStatusExtentType: n.a. GESboundary: n.a. GESachieved: No MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion)

(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are no elements and only one criteria, but with more tan 1 parameter is used for the overall status: D11 OverallStatus ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Criteria: D11C1 Parameter: Extent ThresholdValue: 500 ThresholdValueSource: National ValueAchieved: ValueUnit: km2 ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes … GEScomponent: D11C1 Feature: Input of sound FeatureStatusExtent: n.a. FeatureStatusExtentType: n.a. GESboundary: n.a. GESachieved: Yes MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D11C1 Parameter: Duration ThresholdValue: 30 ThresholdValueSource: BarCon ValueAchieved: 25 ValueUnit: d ProportionThresholdValue: 90 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: 100 Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes …

(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are elements and there is generally 1 parameter per criteria: D1-D3-D6-D10 OverallStatus ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Criteria: D1C2 Parameter: Abundance ThresholdValue: 50000--10000 ThresholdValueSource: (e.g. BarCon) ValueAchieved: 40000 ValueUnit: {individuals} ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Deteriorating ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Stenella coeruleoalba ElementSource: EU ElementCode: 137107 ElementCodeSource: WoRMS ElementStatus: NotGood IntegrationRule: OOAO IntegrationRuleReference: http://abc.abc GEScomponent: D1 Feature: Small cetaceans FeatureStatusExtent: 60 FeatureStatusExtentType: N of species GESboundary: 80 GESachieved: NO MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D1C4 Parameter: Extent ThresholdValue: 200000 ThresholdValueSource: (e.g. BarCon) ValueAchieved: 170000 ValueUnit: km2 ProportionThresholdValue: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueUnit: n.a. ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: n.a. Trend: Stable ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Tursiops truncatus ElementSource: EU ElementCode: 137111 ElementCodeSource: WoRMS ElementStatus: Good IntegrationRule: NHIE_NWEI IntegrationRuleReference: http://abc.abc Criterion used to assess T. truncatus Other small toothed cetaceans assessed Criterion used to assess the other sps

(e.g. MS part of a subregion) When there are elements and there can be more than 1 parameter per criteria: D8-D9 OverallStatus ElementStatus CriteriaStatus Criteria: D8C1 Parameter: Concentration in water ThresholdValue: 0,05 ThresholdValueSource: PSD ValueAchieved: 0,02 ValueUnit: ug/L ProportionThresholdValue: 90 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: 100 Trend: Improving ThresholdValueAchieved: Yes … Element: Hexachlorobenzene ElementSource: EU ElementCode: CAS_118-74-1 ElementCodeSource: WISE ElementStatus: NotGood IntegrationRule: OOAO IntegrationRuleReference: http://abc.abc GEScomponent: D8 Feature: Input of contaminants FeatureStatusExtent: 85 FeatureStatusExtentType: N of contaminants GESboundary: 75 GESachieved: YES MRU (e.g. MS part of a subregion) Criteria: D8C1 Parameter: Concentration in biota ThresholdValue: 10 ThresholdValueSource: PSD ValueAchieved: 9 ValueUnit: ug/kg ww ProportionThresholdValue: 85 ProportionThresholdValueUnit: % ProportionThresholdValueAchieved: 80 Trend: Stable ThresholdValueAchieved: No … Element: Tributyltin-cation ElementSource: EU ElementCode: CAS_36643-28-4 ElementCodeSource: WISE ElementStatus: Good IntegrationRule: OOAO IntegrationRuleReference: http://abc.abc Criterion/parameters used to assess TBT Other contaminants Criterion/parameters used to assess other cont