End of KS1 tests May 2017
Tests will take place over two weeks in May 2017 This is between the 15th and 26th of May. We spread the tests out to reduce stress for the children and keep the routine as normal as possible. It is vital that children are in school for the whole week. Absolutely no holidays should be taken this week. (If your child is ill, we will ensure they catch up on the tests the following week.)
These tests are a National requirement and must be completed These tests are a National requirement and must be completed. We wish to make them as non threatening as possible for your children. We will be preparing the children for the tests, exposing them to test style questions in advance so that they are not surprised or confused when the tests come around. Please support us with this by not panicking your child about the tests, and making a big deal about them. We will not call the week ‘test week’ to the children, and we will aim to keep other routines as normal as possible for them.
Test papers Reading paper 1 Reading paper 2 Maths – Arithmetic Maths – Reasoning SPaG paper (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Spelling test These papers are non-compulsory for 2017 however we will be giving them to the children in Summer 2 These tests are not strictly timed however they are not short so the children need to practise recalling information at speed… particularly for the Maths papers.
Example questions – Reading Paper
Example questions – Reading Paper
Example questions – Reading Paper 2
Example questions – Arithmetic Paper
Example questions – Reasoning Paper
Example questions – Reasoning Paper
Example questions – Reasoning Paper
Example questions – Spelling Paper
Example questions – SPaG Paper
Example questions – SPaG Paper
Things you can do to help The main thing is to not worry your child about the tests. Do some of the following things as part of your daily routines, in short but regular bursts. Use lots of praise, and try to boost your child’s confidence. Read every day with your child and talk to them about what they have read to check their understanding. Ask why questions. Support your child with practising their spellings each week, and using these correct spellings when they write. Support your child with the regular maths homework. This will be based on things we have been learning in school, so will help consolidate their learning.
Things you can do to help Practise extra mental maths skills (with quick recall): 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables Counting in 2, 3, 5 and 10 patterns (forwards and backwards) Number Bonds (to 10, 20 and 100!) Mental addition and subtraction Adding / subtracting 10 to/from any 2-digit number. Start easy, and then get harder. Get your child to test you… do they notice when you get it wrong?
Things you can do to help Correct your child when they speak: Grammatical errors (“Can I toilet?” “I runned outside.”) Pronunciation errors (“I fink I’ve got it.”) Use the correct terminology where possible (vocab sheet). Make sure your child is in school every day, so that they do not miss anything. Try to keep routines normal around the tests, no late nights!
At the end of this year your child’s teacher will be able to make a teacher assessment based on what they know your child can do on a day to day basis. These teacher assessments will be able to inform the end of year assessment along with the test scores. Your child will either be; Emerging: working towards age related expectations Expected: working at age related expectations Exceeding: working at greater depth for the age related expectations If any child has a specific learning need we can support them as we usually would at school.
Thank you for coming We really appreciate your support. We are approaching these changes with excitement, and will be working really hard to make sure that your children will be prepared. If you have any queries, or need any support please do ask.