Functional Question Foundation (Number 9) For the week beginning ….
Buy both items and receive a 10% reduction in price Karl sees this advertisement in a shop window. HOCKEY KIT Shirt £16.50 Pair of Shorts £8.50 SPECIAL OFFER! Buy both items and receive a 10% reduction in price Karl buys both items. How much does he pay? Answer £ ................................................. (Total 3 marks)
16.50 – their 1.65 (= 14.85) and 8.50 – their 0.85 (= 7.65) Worked out separately M1 – Method mark 16.50 + 8.50) – their 2.5(0) 16.50 – their 1.65 (= 14.85) and 8.50 – their 0.85 (= 7.65) is M2 – Method mark 22.50 Do not accept 22.5 but M2 implied SC1 Answer 14.85 or 7.65 A1 - Accuracy marks are awarded when following on from a correct method
Common Mistakes – what did the examiners say? Foundation Tier A significant number of candidates gained some credit on this question. Many found the total of £25 but were unable to deal with the 10% reduction in any way. Others tried to find 10% of each item separately but this also led to many computational errors. Careless arithmetical errors led some to lose marks. Higher Tier This was answered well with over three quarters gaining full marks. Many others scored 2 marks. Some basic arithmetical errors were made. Considering that the numbers involved were straightforward these were careless mistakes that should have been avoided.