Options after Year 13 Information Session Claire Grimwood National Careers Service
What is an apprenticeship?
Levels of apprenticeship There are 3 levels in England: Intermediate – equivalent to 5 GCSE passes Advanced – equivalent to 2 A level passes Higher – lead to NVQ Level 4 or a Foundation Degree Degree- degree level
What is A Higher/Degree Apprenticeship? An Apprenticeship is a mix of real work and learning. Apprentices earn a wage and get experience whilst working towards a number of qualifications. Higher apprentices work toward Level 4-7 qualification & Degree apprentices work towards Level 6 qualification
Higher /Degree Apprenticeship/Sponsored Degrees
Where to find Higher /Degree Apprenticeship Opportunities www.notgoingtouni.co.uk www.directions.org.uk www.apprenticeships.org.uk www.thebigchoice www.milkround.com www.thescholarshiphub.org.uk Twitter- @RGGASSOCIATES
Application Process 1.CV e mailed to show interest 2. Numerical Test 3. Literacy Test 4. Competency questions answered 5. Telephone Interview 6. Assessment day & Face to face interview 7. GET THE OFFER 8. Pass A Levels at requested level!
What is Competency Interviewing?
Describe a situation where you had to handle a number of pressing tasks simultaneously. What was the situation? What approach did you take?- Do not use an example from school
Please describe a time in which you had to work as a team to achieve a common goal? Please give an example when you had a number of objectives/deadlines to meet and how you did it.
What happens at an assessment day? Watched how you interact with other group members Given a group task to complete Asked to give a presentation Written assessment Competency based Interview Watched how you eat your lunch!
Case studies of Young People who have secured Higher/Degree Apprenticeships
Georgina Now working as Logistics manager for Nestle
Finally.. Positives of Higher/Degree Apprenticeships Paid to work Paid Qualification Experience gained to apply for graduate job On the career ladder Live at home Automatic graduate job Negatives of Higher/Degree Apprenticeships Working whilst competing a degree Live on your own in a new city (possibly) 4 weeks holiday a year Possibly miss the “uni life”
https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/ Thank you Remember to contact National Careers Service with any Careers queries using webchat, text or phone https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/