sacred tree Project Liat Gilad
Preparing the surface 1 Day before The ceremony
Visiting the tree. day of the ceremony
Climbing the tree
Collecting bits from around..
Preparing the surface
234 nails…
Prep finished Ceremony will begin after sunset
Mandala weaving ceremony
“… I wonder if waves get discouraged Crawling up the sand Only to be pulled back again To where they began If land feels stepped upon If sand feels insignificant If trees need to question their lovers To know where they stand If branches waver at the crossroads Unsure of which way to grow If the leaves understand they're replaceable And still dance when the wind blow…” Being human, climbing poetry.
Weaving threads, words, ideas into one another Weaving threads, words, ideas into one another. Asking for guidance, for a message. My intentions are clear. The mind is empty. I’m ready.
We are all connected, interwoven in to one another We are all connected, interwoven in to one another. There is no you or me, There is us. We are all in this together.