What’s happening in Cyber at NSA’s National Cryptologic School? Dr. Rita Doerr April 11, 2018
Outline NCS and its Structure College of Cyber Cyber Curricula CAE-Cyber Operations GenCyber [Codebreaker Challenge]
National Cryptologic School (NCS) The National Cryptologic School (NCS) is a school within the National Security Agency that provides training to members of the Agency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Cryptologic_School NCS turned 50 on November 1, 2015 https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/news-stories/2015/national-cryptologic- school-turns-50.shtml “The NSA school: How the intelligence community gets smarter, secretly” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2015/11/09/the-nsa-school-how- the-intelligence-community-gets-smarter- secretly/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.da2c09e2a2c8
NCS Structure – some of its colleges College of Language and Area Studies College of Acquisition, Business and Corporate Services College of Cyber College of Cryptology College of Leadership and Professional Training
College of Cyber Computer Science, Network Operations and Information Assurance Education Cyber Security, Cyber Education and Advanced Network Operations Education Strategic Education Initiatives and Alliances
Cyber Curricula COMP – Computer Science CYEC – Cyber Education CYBR – Cyber Security NETW -- Networking IAEC – Information Assurance Education ATNO – Advanced Network Operations NPGS – Naval Post Graduate School (“East Coast Monterey, CA”)
Centers of Academic Excellence CAE-Cyber Defense CAE-2Y CAE-R CAE-Cyber Operations https://www.nsa.gov/resources/educators/centers-academic- excellence/cyber-operations/
GenCyber https://www.gen-cyber.com/
Codebreaker Challenge https://codebreaker.ltsnet.net/