NHS England Service Specification for Thoracic Surgery (Adult) Richard Page Chair, Thoracic Surgery Clinical Reference Group
Organisation of services - 1 24/7 emergency cover Thoracic consultants ± support from mixed practice CT surgeons No more frequent than 1 in 3 Referring Trusts should have the same level of support as those attending the Centre Centres must undertake > 70 resections for primary lung cancer per annum, rising to 150 by end of 2018-19
Resections for primary lung cancer 2015 (English Centres LLCOP data) 150/year 70/year
Organisation of services - 2 Lung cancer MDT cover to allow quorum of core members > 95% Protocols in place to facilitate the provision of a second opinion for patients with early stage disease turned down for surgery
Exclusions Oesophagogastric cancer Diseases of the heart and great vessels Children's thoracic surgical services (Rare thoracic surgical conditions e.g. radical surgery for mesothelioma, tracheal surgery)
Essential alliances/co-locations Respiratory medicine Thoracic physiotherapy Specialist thoracic pathology Frozen section within 1 hour Interventional radiology and bronchoscopy
Consultant Surgical Staffing Move towards at least 3 full-time thoracic surgeons in all units ASAP Minimum thoracic practice within job plans for current CT surgeons:- 1 all-day thoracic list per week. No mixed CT lists 1 lung cancer MDT per week Take part in emergency on-call rota Specific appraisal on thoracic activity and outcomes No mixed CT practices beyond 2020
Rationale/Evidence for splitting UK consultant CT practices Range of diseases treated and the knowledge and therapies available are more diverse than ever before More MDT work needed Need to fit work within 10-12 PA job plan Volume effect of specialisation Training limitations
Primary Lung Cancer Resection Rate (by Cancer Network)
CRG Membership Chair (Page) Thoracic Surgeons - 10 Batchelor, Black/Belcher, Hunt, Jordan, Scarci, Shah, Stamenkovic, Steyn, Waller, Woo Cardiothoracic Surgeons - 2 Mike Cowen, Martin Hayward Respiratory Physician -1 Chris Warburton, Merseyside Medical Oncologist - 1 Riyaz Shah, South East Coast
Membership Affiliated Professional Organisations SCTS Simon Kendall BTS David Baldwin, Respiratory Physician, Nottingham BTOG Richard Booton, Respiratory Physician, South Manchester RCRadiol Michael Snee, Clinical Oncologist, Leeds X3 patient / carer reps