User guide 62 day waiting time model Prostate cancer
Home page Buttons above the chart are for navigating to more detailed analysis and input data for capacity constraints and baseline data. The charts summarise some of the data including 62 day target and waits for individual investigations, appointments and surgery. The Home page allows the user to Run the model from the baseline position. The adjust referrals switch allows the user to adjust the monthly referral rate by a chosen percentage per month.
TRUS capacity The model can be run from this page to compare performance and TRUS capacity. TRUS capacity can be adjusted to reduce or increaser the TRUS capacity available on a weekly basis across the 12 months of the year. The chart compares the 62 day performance and the numbers of people waiting TRUS. The aim is to highlight any issues relating to performance and capacity that could impact on achieving the 62 day target.
Template capacity The model can be run from this page to compare performance and Template biopsy capacity. Template capacity can be adjusted to reduce or increaser the Template biopsy capacity available on a weekly basis across the 12 months of the year. The chart compares the 62 day performance and the numbers of people waiting for Template biopsy. The aim is to highlight any issues relating to performance and capacity that could impact on achieving the 62 day target.
Consultant capacity The model can be run from this page to compare performance and consultant capacity. Consultant capacity can be adjusted to reduce or increaser the consultant capacity available on a weekly basis across the 12 months of the year. The chart compares the 62 day performance and the numbers of people waiting for a consultant. The aim is to highlight any issues relating to performance and capacity of that could impact on achieving the 62 day target.
Surgery capacity The model can be run from this page to compare performance and surgery capacity. Surgery capacity can be adjusted to reduce or increaser the number of surgery slots available on a weekly basis across the 12 months of the year. The chart compares the 62 day performance and the numbers of people waiting for surgery. The aim is to highlight any issues relating to performance and capacity of surgery that could impact on achieving the 62 day target.
Assumptions and scenario Pre-biopsy MRI scenario Is set to off in the baseline run. When switched on the model will reduce the number of TRUS biopsies equivalent to the Percent TRUS avoided dial (35%). Those TRUS avoided are discharged after Triage rather than after a TRUS. The Month start Pre-biopsy slider will decide when the scenario starts within year. Pre-set baseline assumptions for pathway routes. Each of the baseline percentages can be overridden with local intelligence. When the model is reset the baseline assumptions will be restored.
Increased percent of referrals by 10% reduces performance Run 1: Baseline Run 2: 10% referral increase
Increase consultant capacity to reduce waits and improves performance Run 3: increase consultant capacity
Increase surgery capacity to reduce waits and improve performance further Run 4: increase surgery capacity
Switch Pre-biopsy MRI on improves performance further Run 5: switch pre-MRI biopsy on