NHS Fife Annual Review, 2015-16 Improving Declining Emergency Admissions End of Life Cancer Mortality Rate, Under 75 Years of Age The rate of emergency admissions has increased by 14% since 2011/12 The % of people spending the final 6 months of their lives in their home or in a homely increased between 2009/10 and 2012/13 with a slight reduction in 2013/14 Since 2006 there has been a downward trend (16%) in the rate of deaths from Cancer Healthy Birthweight Staff Absence Life Expectancy Since 2011 the % of babies born at a healthy weight has increased by around 1.5% The staff absence rate shows sings of recovery improving in 2015/16 Life expectancy for both males and females has increased in the last 10 years, remaining above the Scottish average (figures in parentheses) MALE FEMALE 2002-2004 74.7 (73.8) 79.4 (79.0) 2012-2014 77.7 (77.1) 81.5 (81.1) Alcohol-related Hospital Discharges Hospital Standardised Mortality Rate The HSMR measured jointly at Victoria and Queen Margaret Hospitals increased during the final quarter of 2015 Adult (Age 16+) Smoking Rate The % of adult smokers has been on a downward trend, decreasing from 31% in 2000/01 to 22.7% in 2012/13 Hospital discharges where admission was alcohol related fell slightly in 2014/15