NOW problem – in back of your Aleks notebook NOW problem – in back of your Aleks notebook. When you are finished get out your notes. Choose one word to describe in your own words: term, constant, variable, coefficient Create an expression and identify a term you DID NOT define.
What is KEY here? Any words you do not know yet? Objective: The student will be able to solve one-step equations using inverse operations. What is KEY here? Any words you do not know yet?
Levels of Understanding 4 - I can teach the topic of one step equations USING inverse operations or apply it to something we have not learned. 3 – I can SHOW steps and solve one-step equations without errors. 2 – I can solve one-step equations without showing my work. 1 – Huh?
Old = ______ New Think of some words that are opposites. For example, what do you think of as the opposite of word below. Old = ______ New
Up = __________ Out = __________ Small = __________ Now try some other ones. Make sure to write your answers on your paper, and when you are finished click on me. Up = __________ Out = __________ Small = __________ Stinky = __________
Down Up = __________ In Out = __________ Big Small = __________ Some possible answers are… Down Up = __________ In Out = __________ Big Small = __________ Fragrant Stinky = __________ (or non-stinky)
Add = __________ Subtract = __________ Multiply = __________ Now another set. Make sure to write your answers on your paper, and when you are finished cover them up. Add = __________ Subtract = __________ Multiply = __________ Divide = __________
Subtract Add = __________ Add Subtract = __________ Divide Your answers should have been… Subtract Add = __________ Add Subtract = __________ Divide Multiply = __________ Divide = __________ Multiply
You just did some ALGEBRA Congratulations! You just did some ALGEBRA Scary, isn’t it?!
ONE STEP EQUATIONS An equation is like a balance scale because it shows that two quantities are equal. What you do to one side of the equation must also be done to the other side to keep it balanced.
In Mrs. Koontz’s head… Please watch and write down the questions I ask myself. x + 3 = 17
Let’s ask the questions together now… 13 = y – 4
Really think on this one…How am I going to move that 9 Really think on this one…How am I going to move that 9? Talk through it with your neighbor. 9 + n = 21
Try it on your own…Keep asking yourself those questions. 18 = 5 + x