Placement of inferred ancient genome duplications on the phylogeny of Hexapoda. Placement of inferred ancient genome duplications on the phylogeny of Hexapoda. Red circles indicate WGDs in hexapods inferred from Ks plots; orange circles, WGDs in outgroups inferred from KS plots; blue diamonds, large-scale genome duplications inferred by MAPS analyses; empty squares, episodic bursts of gene duplication with varying levels of significance across different MAPS analyses. Hexapod phylogeny adapted from Misof et al. (26). The Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera) WGD inferred by Ks plot is not included in this phylogeny. Images of Raphidioptera, Coleoptera, and Neuroptera are credited to artists Tang Liang, Zichen Wang, and Zheng Li. Other images are in the public domain and credit information for each can be found in SI Appendix, Table S6. Zheng Li et al. PNAS 2018;115:18:4713-4718 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences