Genomic evidence of partial domestication in ancient Tehuacán maize. Genomic evidence of partial domestication in ancient Tehuacán maize. Admixture diagrams comparing SM10 nonconsecutive nucleotide variants to the corresponding SNP frequencies reported in modern maize or Balsas teosinte accessions, over 20-kb intervals spanning a selected gene affected by domestication. Blue and yellow correspond to predominant nucleotide variants in extant maize (EM) and their match in SM10 ancient maize (AM) and Balsas teosinte (BT); additional variants in Balsas teosinte or SM10 are depicted in variable colors. Chromosomal locations are indicated adjacent to the locus acronym, in parenthesis; the horizontal scale shows the chromosomal coordinates following the B73 reference genome, and the location and transcriptional orientation of the corresponding gene (red arrow). Miguel Vallebueno-Estrada et al. PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1609701113 ©2016 by National Academy of Sciences