ECE Grand Patent Liability November 5, 2008 Ashley Callaway Leo Romanovsky Pat Doherty Nikeshia Ebron
Summary Similar Products X10 PokerPro
X10 – Ten Player Automated Table Texas Hold’em Individual 12-in touch screens 27-in center screen
PokerPro 10 player table Individual player touch screens Large community screen spanning middle section Comes with sign-in station
Software Features Editable player profiles Multi-Lingual Automated Jackpots Real-time awards Poker Games: Texas Hold’Em Omaha Hi and Hi/Lo 7-Card Stud Game Limits: No-Limit Limit Pot Limit Spread Limit Recognizes: Kill Pots Rabbit Hunting Straddles -Blind Chops
Possible Infringements Display of cards on an LCD screen Use of Ethernet to show display of game
Unique to ECE Grand RFID Reader for Login/Logout purposes