BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT MAY 6, 2008 PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 2008-09 BUDGET & PROPOSITION PRESENTATION Richard G. Stutzman Jr. – Superintendent Margaret Puzio – Deputy Superintendent Scott C. Rozanski – Business Administrator
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Selected by National School Boards to be one of only 3 schools throughout country to be a host site for educators to see how we use technology as a tool to enhance our learner centered classrooms
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Spring 2007 recognized by Business First as the 40th best Public School in WNY Factor in socio economic environment and we are 10th highest overachieving school district in WNY
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS 3rd consecutive year Commissioner Mills recognized Batavia High School and Jackson Elementary as High Performing/Gap Closing Schools 2nd time Batavia Middle School has achieved this recognition John Kennedy and Robert Morris achieved this recognition for the 1st time
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS All schools and identified subgroups have met Annual Yearly Progress benchmarks as determined by NYS Education Department and the Federal Government Most grade levels, for grades 3 through 8, in ELA and Math Assessments achieved at a higher percent than previous year. First time over 60% achieved at a Level 3 or 4
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Batavia High School 66% of 11 Grade students scored 85% or higher on English Language Arts Regents Exam 32% increase of students passing in Course B Math 60% mastery rate in US History and Spanish
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS 18 out of 26 Interscholastic Sports teams recognized by New York State Public High School Athletic Association were recognized as Scholar Athlete Teams Winter 2007-08 there were 16 out of 18 teams that achieved this status
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Class of 2007 163 Students 26 National Honor Society Members 9 Tri-M Music Society Members 135 pursuing higher education with 55 attending 4 year college and 80 attending 2 year schools 5 have entered Military Service
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Class of 2007 148 received Regent Diplomas 79 earned a Regents Diploma 1 With Honors 44 Advanced Regents Designation 25 Advanced Regents With Honors
REFLECTIONS OF OUR SUCCESS Class of 2007 6 earned a Technical Endorsement seal from Genesee Valley BOCES 8 Inducted into the National Technical Honor Society Class of 2007 awarded $3,113,237 in scholarships, grants and cash awards
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures - $39,410,723 Increase of 5.76% or $2,148,108 (BOE Goal 4%) Highlights Negotiations with all Bargaining Units (Salary/Benefits) Maintains all current instructional programs Telephone Replacement 3 ½ teacher retirements, Superintendent and 3 support staff
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures Highlights (Continued) Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 New Math Textbooks Funding for Computer Technology (Private/Parochial) Increase in fuel and Special Education Transportation
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures Highlights (Continued) New Group Home BOCES Increase in Rates/Occupational Education counts up by +15 students BOCES Increase in Model School Training, Summer Reading Institute and Alternative Education up by +5 students
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Expenditures Highlights (Continued) Instructional Technology (IT) Standards Interoperability Framework (SIF) and Distance Learning (New Proposals) Equipment Replacement (New Proposal) 1 Additional IT Staff (New Proposal) Would need to reduce $657,603 to meet BOE goal - $300,000 of this is new Group Home after BOE established goal
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Revenues Tax Levy: $16,916,827 or 42.9% of Revenues Decrease of $356,000 or –2.06% 2007-08 $ -39,379 or – 0.23% 2006-07 $740,902 or + 4.47% 2005-06 $876,489 or + 5.58% 2004-05 $880,064 or + 5.94% 5 Year Average or + 2.74% in Tax Levy or + $420,415 BOE goal not to exceed 2% increase
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Revenues State Aid: $18,855,846 or 47.8% of Revenues Increase in Aid $1,988,588 or +11.79% Governor new state aid proposal last year New Group Home State Aid Current Year Aid budgeted with some adjustments Concern over approved State Budget and impact next year BOCES included Increase in Technology purchases (TELCC, Information Systems) New Debt Service
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Revenues Fund Balance: $1,135,000 or 2.9% of Revenues Increase of $435,000 or +62.1% Surplus of State Aid One Time Revenue
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET General Ed Cost Per Student – Per NYS Batavia Similar Schools 2000-01 $6,907 $6,454 2001-02 $7,337 $6,649 2002-03 $8,496 $7,617 2003-04 $8,999 $8,080 2004-05 $9,338 $8,744 2005-06 $10,185 $9,264
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Special Ed Cost Per Student – Per NYS Batavia Similar Schools 2000-01 $13,866 $14,460 2001-02 $13,242 $15,575 2002-03 $12,005 $17,360 2003-04 $12,826 $18,440 2004-05 $12,832 $20,476 2005-06 $14,017 $21,751
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Enrollment 2007-08 2389 +0.59% 2006-07 2375 -3.57% 2005-06 2463 -3.34% 2004-05 2548 -2.26% 2003-04 2607 -3.55% 2002-03 2703 +1.54%
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET Contingent Budget 3.36% Budget Cap Reduction of an additional $896,084 or 2.40% ($38,514,639) Reductions of non mandated programs and equipment
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET FOUR ITEMS TO CONSIDER #1 – Two Board of Education Seats at 3 years (each term commences 7/1/08) #2 – 2008-2009 Budget #3 – Ex-Officio Student Board Member (non-voting) #4 – $5,704,423 Capital Project need at least 60% vote to proceed 1. Security and Technology - $5,352,321 Bond, State Aid and Debt Service Fund 2. Maintenance Shop - $352,102 Insurance Proceeds and Capital Reserve
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL 2008-09 PROPOSED BUDGET VOTE: TUESDAY MAY 20, 2008 (12:00 NOON TO 9:00 PM) VOTING LOCATIONS Jackson Elementary School 411 South Jackson Street Robert Morris Elementary School 80 Union Street Batavia Middle School 96 Ross Street
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECT Technology/Security Upgrade Physical Security Visual Security Cameras $673,400 Card Access – Exterior Doors $268,541 Main Entrance Modification Jackson School $104,000 TOTAL PHYSICAL SECURITY $1,045,941
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECT Technology/Security Upgrade Physical Plant Upgrades Jackson School Library $260,000 BHS Auditorium Sound System $ 87,360 Technology Disaster Recovery Site Preparation $184,600 Electrical/HVAC Upgrades $291,200 TOTAL PLANT UPGRADES $823,160
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECT Technology/Security Upgrade Technology Enhancements Wiring Upgrades $1,616,680 Wireless Installations $ 473,200 Switch/Hardware Upgrades $ 934,700 Network Upgrades $ 458,640 TOTAL TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT $3,483,220
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECT Maintenance Shop Demolition and Rebuild $ 352,102 PROJECT SUMMARY: Physical Security $1,045,941 Plant Upgrades $ 823,160 Technology Enhancement $3,483,220 Maintenance Shop $ 352,102 TOTAL EXPENDITURE $5,704,423
BATAVIA CITY SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECT Total Proposed Capital Project $5,704,423 Revenue Sources State Aid (Building) $4,817,089 Debt Service Fund $ 535,232 *Insurance Proceeds $ 184,489 *Capital Reserve $ 167,613 TOTAL REVENUE $5,704,423 ADDITIONAL LOCAL SHARE $ 0 *Represents Costs for Maintenance Shed