Variations in Health Status: Rural and remote populations By Laura, Jeremy and Phoebe
Who does the groups involve? People living in remote and rural areas where they have less access to health facilities (such as hospitals and gyms), and people living in metropolitan areas with lots of access to health facilities. Who does the groups involve?
Identify differences in health status: People in rural and remote areas experience worse health outcomes that their urban counterparts. People in rural and remote areas are often Indigenous (roughly 26%) and are more likely to be of a low socio-economic status. This means that many of the health concerns for indigenous and low-socioeconomic status are carried over to the rural/remote population. When compared to their urban counterparts, rural and remote populations experience the following health differences: Lower life-expectancy Higher mortality rates Higher rates of preventable cancers Higher death rates from cardiovascular disease Higher rates of coronary heart disease Higher rates of avoidable deaths Higher rates of diabetes Higher rates of dental decay
Determinants of Health
Biological; biological determinants that contribute to variations in health status experienced by those living in rural and remote areas include higher rates of… Overweight and obesity levels – leading to higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. High Blood cholesterol and hypertension. Low birth weight babies – percentage is higher in rural and remote areas, over metropolitan areas.
Behavioral Determinants that contribute to differences in health status include… Higher rates of tobacco smoking (including during pregnancy); leading to cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory disease. During pregnancy it can lead to babies born with lower birth weights and babies born with asthma. Higher rates of alcohol consumption; lead to higher rates of overweight/obesity. Which places them at higher risk of liver and cardiovascular disease. Lower levels of physical activity; due to being seated more of the time. His can lead to obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and lower life expectancy. Eat less fruit than those in urban areas. Less likely to use sun protection methods; many know about the dangers yet don’t implement measures to protect themselves. This can increase their risk developing sun cancer.
Physical Environment Determinants; factors that contribute to a variation in health status for those living in rural and remote areas include Poorer road quality; driving distances longer, higher road limits, wildlife is more likely to interfere with driving and roads are more likely to be poorly lit. These all contribute to higher mortality and morbidity rates. Reduced proximity to health care, transport, recreation facilities, supermarkets and unemployment options all can contribute to a range of issues such as food insecurity, low socioeconomic status, unemployment, increased M&M and lower life expectancy. Greater exposure to harsh climates; affecting P.M.S Less access to fluoridated water; can cause dental issues. More dangerous working environments; due to working environments usually being outdoors.
Social Determinant; those that contribute to variations in an individuals health in rural and remote areas include: lower incomes- the amount of income received is not as great as their urban counterparts due to the lack of opportunity and access to education and jobs that are provided in less remote areas. higher rates of unemployment- due to the limited access to education and the inability to obtain a degree or pass school, there are higher levels of unemployment in rural and remote areas. Other factors such as the amount of jobs available also contributes to the lack of employment. less access to healthcare- rural and remote areas generally don't have access to many facilities such as hospitals, or a family doctor etc. small towns will generally have one hospital. Being in rural areas generally mean distance is also a problem. higher levels of social isolation-in urban areas such as cities or small suburbs, there are generally multiple schools, access to resources and healthcare all within easy range. Being so close and compact isolation isn't a problem, but in a rural or remote area the the distance between people owning acres of farm land mean isolation is evident. food insecurity- People in rural areas are 1.2 times more likely to experience food insecurity than people living in an urban area. This is largely due to lack of access to high costs. This can lead to the consumption of processed food and in turn can aid in developing health issues such as: obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Higher rates of preventable cancers can affect the physical, mental and social dimensions of health for people in rural + remote areas. Physical impacts include tiredness (often from chemotherapy), morbidity, operations, procedures, causing inability to perform some tasks without aid and impacting on ability to perform physical labor jobs. Social impacts include family issues, not being able to work and support family, possible deaths of loved ones, lack of communication with friends or family and being unable to partake in community activities and workplace activities. Mental impacts include depression, anxiety, isolation from friends and family, lowered motivation and lowered self-confidence. Choose 2 differences in health status and identify how they could affect Physical, Mental and/or social dimensions of health
Links for video’s on rural health