Applying for 6th Forms, Colleges and Apprenticeships in Kent. 1 1
Year 11 is currently the final year of compulsory education Planning your future Year 11 is currently the final year of compulsory education It is an opportunity to start taking real control over your future To make sure that you get off to the right start you need to carefully consider what you would like to do in the future and after Year 11 Planning your Future pt1 Explain to the learners that this is an important time and that they need to take ownership of their future plans, they are no longer legally obliged to stay in education after Year 11, but it is vital that they make the most of the opportunities that are available to them. Point out that education and training is only free for the next couple of years and that if they leave it too late to start planning and making applications they may miss out on some courses. If this happens it could mean that they may lose a whole year before they will get another opportunity to enrol on their preferred course. Also point out that when learners drop out of courses it is often because they have realised too late that they have joined the wrong course and they again may then have to wait until the following September to get on the right course or training opportunity. Therefore it is vital that they all begin thinking clearly about what they would like to do in the future and after Year 11. 2 2
Planning Your Future part 2 Sources of advice and Guidance Connexions Personal Adviser Parents/carers Teachers Friends Sources of information Planning your future pt 2 This slide explains where they can get help. Their Connexions PA, they can access him/her through school and an appointment can be requested via their careers teacher/ form tutor. They can also contact him/her through the kentchoices4u website, how to do this is demonstrated later in the presentation. Research has shown that Parents/Carers have the biggest influence on learners career choices, so encourage your learners to talk to them about their plans and help by directing them to where they can get more information – Connexions, School, Teachers are another resource they can access. Maybe they have older friends who they could talk to about their experiences sources of information Kentchoices4u has information on the opportunities available to learners in Kent and in their local area. This includes school courses, college courses and training opportunities as work based learning providers. 3 3 is a one stop website that: Has information on all the opportunities available to young people aged 16-19 in Kent Allows Year 11 learners to apply online Allows learners to ask their Connexions PA questions online Allows learners to ask providers questions Tracks applications Allows your Connexions PA to monitor applications to check for learners who need further support What is Explain that it is a one stop website which learners can use to research opportunities available to them Allow them to apply online (explain that all year 11 learners will be applying online to colleges, work based learning and schools – including applications to their own 6th form) contact their Connexions PA contact providers to ask questions i.e Now I have sent my application when will I be interviewed? track the progress of their applications, from applications being acknowledged, interviews being arranged, to offers being made. allows PAs and schools to monitor learners applications so that they can identify those who may need further support because they may have not made any applications, or may have made applications for courses that may be at a level below they ability. 4 4
This is the front page to the Area prospectus. It has information and links to useful sources of information. Click – This shows you how to move on to the Area Prospectus and begin searching and making an application. Click – Takes you to the student information and tools area Click – Takes you to Where I live, where there will be details of open days and general information about applying to schools and colleges in your area. Click – Takes you to information about employment and apprenticeships in Kent. Explain that that learners can follow links to information by clicking on the icons.
Click – I have an unlock code to go to the registration page.
To register they click on Register now I don’t have a username or password. They only register once Next time they visit the site they will use their username and password which is under I have a username and password
Register Screen Learners create their own username and password. IMPORTANT that they choose something they will remember, please offer advice. We recommend using their school username and password They could store them on their mobile phone, school log or the flyer they get in the letter with their unlock code The password must be 8 characters long The password and username are both case sensitive Put in an e-mail address to receive notifications and to reset password. Once they have done this they put in the unlock code they have in their letter, then click register
This is where you manage your online application account My profile and messages Update the personal information in your personal profile, which will populate all your application forms Send and receive messages to your Connexions Personal Adviser, schools or colleges Quick apply If you know what and where you want to apply use this function Need Help Click here to contact your PA My courses Is where you search the prospectus, store your favourites My applications This is where you check to see if your application has been received You can also edit and send applications you have previously drafted My offers and appointments Some schools and colleges may organise appointments to discuss your choices online, check here to see if you have appointment at a school or college you have applied to Check view offers to see if you have been made an offer from a school or college you have applied to.
Click – Course search, this is how they can find where courses are run i.e where can I do hairdressing Click – Provider search, this is where they can find out what courses individual schools and colleges run Click – Browse search, this search is to help broaden learners ideas about the type of courses available Click – Multiple courses, this is where they can search to find providers that may offer a a range of AS levels they are considering.
Filtering your search Explain that the number of results for the first stage of the search will likely be very high. So it is important that learners use the filters on the left hand side of the screen. Click – circle will appear over the filters. Spend time emphasising the need to use the filters and explaining how they work. Click – circle appears on the go button for the courses found in the search. Explain that once they have found the course that interests them in the list they click on the course name to find out more about this course.
Click Quick Apply to begin your application.
Choose the provider you wish to apply to from the drop down list.
Before you apply screen Read the entry requirements carefully, checking deadlines, qualifications, other requirements and how you may be invited for an appointment before clicking continue with application.
Choose the courses you wish to apply for – you can choose more than one. You will not be able to apply to courses listed as Not available for online applications as they are likely key stage 4 courses.
Tracking Explain that once they have sent their application that will then need to track it online Click – circle appears on View Application. Here they will be able to: Return to complete and send applications that have drafted but not sent Find out if your application has been received by the school or college they have applied to Click – circle appears on View appointments. Here they will be able to see if any of the schools or colleges that have applied to have invited them for an appointment to discuss their course selections. It is worth noting that some schools and colleges will likely send letters rather than use this method to invite them to appointments. Click – circle appears. This is where learners go to check to see if any of the schools or colleges they have applied to have made them an offer. Click – move to the next screen where you will see the offers page
What happens now? All Year 11s will be making their post 16 applications online using this website You will receive your unlock codes on ………………………………………… Support will be available from ..……………………………..…………. Explain that all year 11 learner applications will be made online using, including applications to their own schools sixth form. Remember to include information on when unlock codes will be issued and where they will be able to access help. 17 17