LQ: Should we limit religious expression? ‘People should be free to express their religion however they want.’ Do you agree? 1 = Completely Agree 5 = Completely Disagree Choose your starter! Challenge: Can you think of a situation where religion and human rights come into conflict? Whilst students are completing the starter activity, teacher to hand out the ‘checklist for success’. Write this first! Key term: Religious Discrimination Unfair treatment based on someone’s religion. For example …
Success in this lesson Questions for progress … You should … What are the arguments for limiting religious expression? Do I think religious expression should be limited? Evaluate how religious identity might conflict with community identity Identify arguments for and against banning the wearing of the Niqab. Explain your view with reference to religious arguments, whether the Niqab should be banned in public. Show you understand both sides of the argument by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both sides to justify whether the Niqab should be banned in public places.
Stick in your books Students should stick key terms into their books.
How does this link to your starter question? Progress Question: What are the arguments for limiting religious expression? The French government recently banned women from wearing the Niqab and Burqa in public places. They also banned girls from wearing the Hijab in schools. We are going to discuss this law as part of the lesson today. How does this link to your starter question? Allow a minute or two of paired discussion time on the French law. Take selected responses from the class and encourage discussion.
Remember to explain your answers Was it right for France to ban the Niqab and Burqa in public places? Complete the worksheet Argument For / Against limiting religious expression Do you agree with the argument? Why / why not? “Covering the face separates women from society. It’s sexist. Women should be free to show their face.” “Expressing my religion is a basic human right. I have a right to wear my religious clothing.” “The Qur’an does not demand that the face to be covered up, so banning the Niqab and Burqa is not religious discrimination.” “The Niqab is part of my identity as a Muslim woman. It shows who I am and my devotion to my faith.” “This isn’t about religious discrimination. It is about security. You should be able to see someone’s face at any time to identify them.” Challenge: How does this quote link to the discussion? Write your answer in your book. ‘And say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments ... that they should draw their cover their chests with their veil and not display their beauty except to their husbands...’ [Quran 24:31] Remember to explain your answers
Complete the reflection sheet Remember to use key terms! Challenge: Use the quote from the Qur’an in your answer!
Success in this lesson Questions for progress … You should … What are the arguments for limiting religious expression? Do I think religious expression should be limited? Evaluate how religious identity might conflict with community identity Identify arguments for and against banning the wearing of the Niqab. Explain your view, with reference to religious arguments, whether the Niqab should be banned in public. Show you understand both sides of the argument by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both sides to justify whether the Niqab should be banned in public places.
Answer in a different colour pen. Plenary Should we limit religious expression? ‘People should be free to express their religion however they want’ Do you agree? 1 = Completely Agree 5 = Completely Disagree Answer in a different colour pen. Have you changed your view? Either… Explain what you learned today that made you change your view. Or… b) Explain what have you learned today that backed up your original view.