Conservation and Pollution Chapter 19
Conservation Conservation is the protection, preservation and careful management of the environment.
Pollution Pollution is the addition of any unwanted waste to the environment which causes harm.
Pollution There are 3 types of pollution: Air pollution Soil pollution Water pollution
Air Pollution Air pollution is caused by burning fossil fuels like coal gas and oil.
Water Pollution Water pollution is caused by fertilisers being washed from land into rivers and lakes. Water pollution is also caused by oil spills.
Soil Pollution Soil pollution is caused by acid rain, dumping of waste and overuse of fertilisers and pesticides.
Waste and Waste Management Wastes are materials which we no longer need and have to be disposed of. There are many sources of waste household waste, sewage, industrial waste, medical waste and nucleur waste.
Waste and Waste Management In Ireland waste is disposed of through landfill and incineration. Landfill sites can give rise to seepage of toxic materials into the ground. Incineration releases toxic like sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
Human Effects on the Environment Positive effects: Maintaining green spaces (Parks, gardens) Reducing energy needs by increasing insulation in homes and workplaces. Using unleaded petrol instead of leaded petrol and smokeless fuels.
Human Effects on the Environment Negative Effects: Global warming due to the burning off fossil fuels. Overuse of fertilisers and pesticides in farms.