LIFE WITHOUT ELECTRICITY A program brought to you by: #WasteLess
Before electricity... We lived for thousands of years without electricity. Let’s compare energy used by items used in our everyday lifestyle with some simple items from a time in history before electricity.
500 Watts 0 Watts Washing clothes - a simple task that is energy intensive in modern day, and used to be done by hand without electric machinery.
4000 Watts 0 Watts Drying clothes - a huge consumption of energy in modern life, or, it could use no energy at all like in the past.
70 Watts 0 Watts
1500 Watts 0 Watts How did people cook before electricity was available in the home? What other fuel sources can we cook with?
1500 Watts 0 Watts Boiling water doesn’t necessarily have to take electric energy. For example the kettle on the right could be put on a wood stove instead of an electric stove.
0 Watts 1500 Watts How can we achieve the same household services without electricity?
1500 Watts 0 Watts Heating is one of the human activities in Canada that contributes the most greenhouse gases. Those gases drive climate change and need to be reduced. What is the most efficient way to heat a building?
100 Watts 0 Watts Electricity isn’t just for useful items. We use electricity for fun too! What are some ways to have fun that don’t use ANY electricity at all? Remember that anything manufactured has used electricity. It’s a tricky question!
Discussion Why do you think electrically powered devices replaced hand-powered items? What items do you still use that have been used since the days before electricity? Out of all the historic items that don’t use electricity, what do you think will be the most important to keep for the future? These are suggested questions but there are many more ways to engage on this topic, such as building historic items that don’t use electricity, creating a solar cell phone charger, and many more activities!
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