Steam Power, Iron and Coal Document Gallery


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Presentation transcript:

Steam Power, Iron and Coal Document Gallery By. Ali

Newcomen The steam engine would become one of the most important inventions of the industrial revolution It used steam power to remove water from coal mines making it much easier to mine coal. Thomas Newcomen, was an English inventor most famous for his inventions of the steam engine

James Watt was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer and chemist. He is most famous for improving Thomas Newcomen’s steam engine These improvements made steam engines more efficient and made it possible to power factories with steam engines

Darby Abraham Darby was a British inventor who was very important in the industrial revolution He also invented coke which was a much more efficient version of coal, used in blast furnaces He invented the cast iron which made making iron much easier by suing molds such as these cauldrons

Iron It was produced in factories full of workers Coke was to power blast furnaces which made iron The cast iron invented by Abraham Darby made making iron much easier

Coal Mining Coal mining was a hard and dangerous job where people worked a lot and were payed very little There was a lot of coal dust in the air which killed many miners due to black lungs The steam engine removed water from coal mines making it much easier to work