Round Worms! Phylum Nematoda 1st Complete digestive tract = alimentary canal 1st Separate sexes
Round Worms = Phylum Nematoda 1st Animal with a body cavity =pseudocoelom Fake body cavity – just a space between layers.
Types of body cavity (coelom) Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate Coelomate
Digestive Tract 1st Alimentary Canal = one way digestive tract with mouth at one end and an anus at the other Evolutionary advantage Specialization Can eat new meal before the old one is finished processing
Alimentary Canal
Spicule injects sperm for internal fertilization Spicule inside body Spicule extended
Ascaris…………………………… One of the most common parasite of humans Up to 64% of people in some S.eastern states Eggs injested on Vegetables or from Soil
Hookworm in Humans Eggs in feces on ground Juviniles live in soil juviniles burrow into human skin Travel in bloodstream to lungs Juvilinles coughed up & swallowed Mature in small intestine Adults suck blood from intestine wall (cause anemia) Common in Southern States
Heartworm Larva in Blood