Crime Scene Investigation and Analysis – Inferencing practice Monday, March 28th, 2011 WN: "Why did that tickle your funny bone? Write about the funniest thing you ever remember seeing on television or in a movie. Describe yourself watching it for the first time." Crime Scene Investigation and Analysis – Inferencing practice Write your police report based on the evidence and tell who you think killed Mrs. Tokzulott. PreAP – Refer to your Reading Calendar for TKAM – Ch. 1-9 due
Monday, March 28th, 2011 Objectives: R.9.8.1 – establish purpose for reading; R.9.8.13 – distinguish among stated fact and opinion in text; R.9.8.7 – connect background knowledge to make inferences and to respond to new information presented in text; R.9.8.3 – vary reading strategies according to text and purpose Essential Question: What reading strategy can I use to decipher what happened on the crime scene?
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 English Agenda Objectives: R.9.8.1 – establish purpose for reading; R.9.8.13 – distinguish among stated fact and opinion in text; R.9.8.7 – connect background knowledge to make inferences and to respond to new information presented in text; R.9.8.3 – vary reading strategies according to text and purpose Additional standards related to library Essential Question: What reading strategy can I use to decipher what happened on the crime scene?
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011 English Agenda Grammar Girl Podcast – Farther VS. Further (Episode 39) – add to grammar tips in WN Review Crime Scene analysis – were your inferences correct? Write your police report based on the evidence and tell who killed Mrs. Tokzulott. -Library Day – Be sure to bring your books!! Last AR Deadline for the year – Wednesday, May 18th
Wed., March 30th, 2011 ~ English Agenda Grammar Girl Podcast – How to Write Dialogue (Episode 258) – add to grammar tips in WN WN: Reflect on how well you’ve done (or how poorly) on previous Benchmark Tests. What can you do to improve in all areas of the testing this year? Benchmark Preparation – skills shown to be lacking for all students - Discuss together in class and complete all practice activities in class Punctuation Review from Buckle Down Writing 8 Book – pages 117-125 *PreAP – refer to reading calendar for TKAM
Wed., March 30th, 2011 ~ English Agenda Objectives - W.6.8.9 – Apply conventional rules of punctuation in writing W.7.8.8 – Use dialogue effectively Essential Questions – How do I use punctuation correctly in my writing, especially when including dialogue?
Thursday, March 31, 2011 ~ English Agenda Grammar Girl Podcast – Colons (Episode 241) – add to grammar tips in WN Punctuation Review from Buckle Down – pages 117-125 *PreAP – Refer to your Reading Calendar for TKAM
Thursday, March 31, 2011 ~ English Agenda Objectives: W.6.8.9 – apply conventional rules of punctuation in writing Essential Question – Am I using punctuation correctly when I write? Am I using colons correctly in my writing?
Friday, April 1, 2011 ~ English Agenda Objectives – W.6.8.7 – Spell all words correctly in writing Essential Question – What techniques can I use to improve my spelling?
Friday, April 1, 2011 ~ English Agenda Grammar Girl Podcast – Your Vs You’re (Episode 67) – add to grammar tips in WN Spelling Review from Buckle Down – pages 129-132 *PreAP – Refer to Reading Calendar for TKAM