Fast Track Maintenance Process (for existing messages) Users Submitting Organisation (SO) Registration Authority (RA) (Lead) Standards Evaluation Group (SEG) or SubSEG that approved the current version SEG Evaluation Team (ET) Prepare maintenance change request (MCR) Reject Check completeness Accept * Approve/reject request for fast track & each change in MCR Validate MCR * Develop new version of ISO 20022 message models and Message Definition Report (MDR Part 1) Reject Check models Generation & publication of evaluation documentation (at least MDR Part2 and schemas) * Correct models Reject * Verify documentation Validate documentation Register & publish at least MDR Part 2 & schemas * Accept * Finalize MDR Part 1 [and message examples] Prepare MDR Part3 * Verify documentation Validate documentation Publish full documentation * Accept * * Indicates that the status of the submission will be updated by the RA in the ‘Log History’ spreadsheet of the related entry in the ‘Status of Submission’ table.