What Values Shape the Economic Policies of Political Parties on Social Programs and Taxation?
Section Questions Where do economic policies connected to social programs fit into the political platforms of different parties? What values undermine the economic policies of different political parties?
What values shape the economic policies of political parties on social programs and taxation? Rona Ambrose* Justin Trudeau Rheal Fortin* Tom Mulcair Elizabeth May Conservative Liberal Bloc Quebecois NDP Green * Interim (temporary) Leader The above are the leaders of the 5 main political parties in Canada’s Federal Government…
These are the two main Political Parties of the United States. What values shape the economic policies of political parties on social programs and taxation? Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Democrats Republican These are the two main Political Parties of the United States. What are the political platforms of each party? What are their views on social programs and taxation? LETS FIND OUT…
What is a Political Platform? Describes the official policies of a political party. Reflects values (beliefs about what is important) of their members Parties add and remove policies as issues become more or less important to their members and voters.
What is the connection between values, policies and the economic continuum? Economic policies come from values and form part of the platform of political parties. The policies within platforms indicate where parties fit on the economic continuum. Look at the chart and Economic Continuum on page 288 as a class. Discuss the values of each political party. Now, place each political party (A, B, & C) on the continuum. Planned economy Mixed Economy Market Economy More government involvement Less government involvement
Comparing Political Platforms Canada and U.S. Read pages 289-290 that examine the major political parties in Canada and the U.S. After reading each party’s platforms place them on the Economic Continuum. Draw one for Canada and another one for the U.S. Then answer the questions 1 & 2 at the bottom of this slide. Political Parties More government involvement Less government involvement Which political party in Canada closest resembles the Republican party of the U.S? Which political party in Canada closest resembles the Democratic party of the U.S?
Canadian Political Parties Look at the chart on page 288 and information on Canadian political parties on page 289 and 290. Which Canadian party most closely resembles political party A? Same for party B? Same for party C?
Canadian Political Parties & Social Programs (Health Care) What are the differences in values toward health care between the Conservatives and Liberals? Conservatives Liberals
Practice PAT Questions Get yourselves into groups of 3-4 and complete the PAT questions on Political Parties & Social programs together as best you can.