Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968
EARLY LIFE Michael Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15,1929 to schoolteacher, Alberta King and Baptist minister, Michael Luther King. His father later changed both their names to Martin Luther King.
King grew up in the church and was well-read in the scripture King grew up in the church and was well-read in the scripture. Following the family tradition, he decided to become a minister.
King married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953.
King began his ministry in 1954 as the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama.
December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white passenger. This was the first event for the Civil Rights Movement. Following this event, King was selected as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association.
King was inspired by Gandhi's non-violence to achieve freedom King was inspired by Gandhi's non-violence to achieve freedom. King also used nonviolent protests. He began to travel and speak about non-violence and civil rights. He made about 200 speeches a year!
Sit-ins at “all white” lunch counters promoted King’s mission of non-violent protest.
A Media Day was held on May 20, 1956 after the bus boycott in Montgomery. The boycott lasted 381 days.
Dr. King was leader of the civil rights movement, leading boycotts and staging protests against segregation in the South.
In 1960, King was again arrested In 1960, King was again arrested. He received strong encouragement as a result of a telephone call to Coretta from John F. Kennedy.
King spoke to 250,000 civil rights supporters during the “March on Washington” August 28, 1963.
Dr. King made his famous “I have a dream” speech.
On October 14, 1964, Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize.
On April 4, 1968 was assassinated. The country, along with Coretta and King’s young daughter Bernice, mourned his death.
President Ronald Reagan signed the bill to make the third Monday of January, in honor of of Dr. King’s birthday a national holiday.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continues to make an impact in the life of today’s people! His story lives on…