CS 268: Computer Networking L-16 Changing the Network
Adding New Functionality to the Internet Overlay networks Active networks Assigned reading Resilient Overlay Networks Active network vision and reality: lessons from a capsule-based system
Outline Active Networks Overlay Routing (Detour) Overlay Routing (RON) Multi-Homing
Why Active Networks? Traditional networks route packets looking only at destination Also, maybe source fields (e.g. multicast) Problem Rate of deployment of new protocols and applications is too slow Solution Allow computation in routers to support new protocol deployment
Active Networks Nodes (routers) receive packets: Perform computation based on their internal state and control information carried in packet Forward zero or more packets to end points depending on result of the computation Users and apps can control behavior of the routers End result: network services richer than those by the simple IP service model
Why not IP? Applications that do more than IP forwarding Firewalls Web proxies and caches Transcoding services Nomadic routers (mobile IP) Transport gateways (snoop) Reliable multicast (lightweight multicast, PGM) Online auctions Sensor data mixing and fusion Active networks makes such applications easy to develop and deploy
Variations on Active Networks Programmable routers More flexible than current configuration mechanism For use by administrators or privileged users Active control Forwarding code remains the same Useful for management/signaling/measurement of traffic “Active networks” Computation occurring at the network (IP) layer of the protocol stack capsule based approach Programming can be done by any user Source of most active debate
Case Study: MIT ANTS System Conventional Networks: All routers perform same computation Active Networks: Routers have same runtime system Tradeoffs between functionality, performance and security
System Components Capsules Active Nodes: Code Distribution Mechanism Execute capsules of protocol and maintain protocol state Provide capsule execution API and safety using OS/language techniques Code Distribution Mechanism Ensure capsule processing routines automatically/dynamically transfer to node as needed
Capsules Each user/flow programs router to handle its own packets Code sent along with packets Code sent by reference Protocol: Capsules that share the same processing code May share state in the network Capsule ID (i.e. name) is MD5 of code
Type Dependent Header Files Capsules Active Node IP Router Active Node Capsule Capsule IP Header Version Type Previous Address Type Dependent Header Files Data ANTS-specific header Capsules are forwarded past normal IP routers
Capsules Request for code Active Node 1 IP Router Active Node 2 Capsule Capsule When node receives capsule uses “type” to determine code to run What if no such code at node? Requests code from “previous address” node Likely to have code since it was recently used
Capsules Code is transferred from previous node Size limited to 16KB Code Sent Active Node 1 IP Router Active Node 2 Capsule Capsule Code is transferred from previous node Size limited to 16KB Code is signed by trusted authority (e.g. IETF) to guarantee reasonable global resource use
Research Questions Execution environments What can capsule code access/do? Safety, security & resource sharing How isolate capsules from other flows, resources? Performance Will active code slow the network? Applications What type of applications/protocols does this enable?
Functions Provided to Capsule Environment Access Querying node address, time, routing tables Capsule Manipulation Access header and payload Control Operations Create, forward and suppress capsules How to control creation of new capsules? Storage Soft-state cache of app-defined objects
Safety, Resource Mgt, Support Provided by mobile code technology (e.g. Java) Resource Management: Node OS monitors capsule resource consumption Support: If node doesn’t have capsule code, retrieve from somewhere on path
Applications/Protocols Limitations Expressible limited by execution environment Compact less than 16KB Fast aborted if slower than forwarding rate Incremental not all nodes will be active Proof by example Host mobility, multicast, path MTU, Web cache routing, etc.
Discussion Active nodes present lots of applications with a desirable architecture Key questions Is all this necessary at the forwarding level of the network? Is ease of deploying new apps/services and protocols a reality?
Outline Active Networks Overlay Routing (Detour) Overlay Routing (RON) Multi-Homing
The Internet Ideal Dynamic routing routes around failures End-user is none the wiser
Lesson from Routing Overlays End-hosts are often better informed about performance, reachability problems than routers. End-hosts can measure path performance metrics on the (small number of) paths that matter Internet routing scales well, but at the cost of performance
Overlay Routing Basic idea: Why? Treat multiple hops through IP network as one hop in “virtual” overlay network Run routing protocol on overlay nodes Why? For performance – can run more clever protocol on overlay For functionality – can provide new features such as multicast, active processing, IPv6
Overlay for Features How do we add new features to the network? Does every router need to support new feature? Choices Reprogram all routers active networks Support new feature within an overlay Basic technique: tunnel packets Tunnels IP-in-IP encapsulation Poor interaction with firewalls, multi-path routers, etc.
Examples IP V6 & IP Multicast Mobile IP QOS Tunnels between routers supporting feature Mobile IP Home agent tunnels packets to mobile host’s location QOS Needs some support from intermediate routers maybe not?
Overlay for Performance [S+99] Why would IP routing not give good performance? Policy routing – limits selection/advertisement of routes Early exit/hot-potato routing – local not global incentives Lack of performance based metrics – AS hop count is the wide area metric How bad is it really? Look at performance gain an overlay provides
Quantifying Performance Loss Measure round trip time (RTT) and loss rate between pairs of hosts ICMP rate limiting Alternate path characteristics 30-55% of hosts had lower latency 10% of alternate routes have 50% lower latency 75-85% have lower loss rates
Bandwidth Estimation RTT & loss for multi-hop path RTT by addition Loss either worst or combine of hops – why? Large number of flows combination of probabilities Small number of flows worst hop Bandwidth calculation TCP bandwidth is based primarily on loss and RTT 70-80% paths have better bandwidth 10-20% of paths have 3x improvement
Possible Sources of Alternate Paths A few really good or bad AS’s No, benefit of top ten hosts not great Better congestion or better propagation delay? How to measure? Propagation = 10th percentile of delays Both contribute to improvement of performance What about policies/economics?
Overlay Challenges “Routers” no longer have complete knowledge about link they are responsible for How do you build efficient overlay Probably don’t want all N2 links – which links to create? Without direct knowledge of underlying topology how to know what’s nearby and what is efficient?
Future of Overlay Application specific overlays Caching Transcoding Why should overlay nodes only do routing? Caching Intercept requests and create responses Transcoding Changing content of packets to match available bandwidth Peer-to-peer applications
Outline Active Networks Overlay Routing (Detour) Overlay Routing (RON) Multi-Homing
How Robust is Internet Routing? Hari Balakrishnan How Robust is Internet Routing? Slow outage detection and recovery Inability to detect badly performing paths Inability to efficiently leverage redundant paths Inability to perform application-specific routing Inability to express sophisticated routing policy Paxson 95-97 3.3% of all routes had serious problems Labovitz 97-00 10% of routes available < 95% of the time 65% of routes available < 99.9% of the time 3-min minimum detection+recovery time; often 15 mins 40% of outages took 30+ mins to repair Chandra 01 5% of faults last more than 2.75 hours
Routing Convergence in Practice Route withdrawn, but stub cycles through backup path…
Resilient Overlay Networks: Goal Increase reliability of communication for a small (i.e., < 50 nodes) set of connected hosts Main idea: End hosts discover network-level path failure and cooperate to re-route.
BGP Convergence Example AS0 AS1 AS2 AS3 *B R via AS3 B R via AS0,AS3 B R via AS2,AS3 B R via AS0,AS3 B R via AS1,AS3 B R via AS1,AS3 * *B R via 203 *B R via 013
The RON Architecture Outage detection Active UDP-based probing Uniform random in [0,14] O(n2) 3-way probe Both sides get RTT information Store latency and loss-rate information in DB Routing protocol: Link-state between overlay nodes Policy: restrict some paths from hosts E.g., don’t use Internet2 hosts to improve non-Internet2 paths
RON: Routing Using Overlays Hari Balakrishnan RON: Routing Using Overlays Cooperating end-systems in different routing domains can conspire to do better than scalable wide-area protocols Types of failures Outages: Configuration/op errors, software errors, backhoes, etc. Performance failures: Severe congestion, DoS attacks, etc. Reliability via path monitoring and re-routing Scalable BGP-based IP routing substrate
RON Design Nodes in different routing domains (ASes) RON library Hari Balakrishnan RON Design Nodes in different routing domains (ASes) RON library Forwarder Conduit Performance Database Prober Router Link-state routing protocol, disseminates info using RON! Application-specific routing tables Policy routing module
RON greatly improves loss-rate Hari Balakrishnan RON greatly improves loss-rate 30-min average loss rate on Internet RON loss rate never more than 30% 13,000 samples 30-min average loss rate with RON
An order-of-magnitude fewer failures Hari Balakrishnan An order-of-magnitude fewer failures 30-minute average loss rates Loss Rate RON Better No Change RON Worse 10% 479 57 47 20% 127 4 15 30% 32 50% 20 80% 14 100% 10 Show as hours, not samples? 6,825 “path hours” represented here 12 “path hours” of essentially complete outage 76 “path hours” of TCP outage RON routed around all of these! One indirection hop provides almost all the benefit!
Main results RON can route around failures in ~ 10 seconds Often improves latency, loss, and throughput Single-hop indirection works well enough Motivation for second paper (SOSR) Also begs the question about the benefits of overlays
Open Questions Efficiency Scaling Requires redundant traffic on access links Scaling Can a RON be made to scale to > 50 nodes? How to achieve probing efficiency? Interaction of overlays and IP network Interaction of multiple overlays
Efficiency Problem: traffic must traverse bottleneck link both inbound and outbound Solution: in-network support for overlays End-hosts establish reflection points in routers Reduces strain on bottleneck links Reduces packet duplication in application-layer multicast (next lecture) Upstream ISP
Scaling Problem: O(n2) probing required to detect path failures. Does not scale to large numbers of hosts. Solution: ? Probe some subset of paths (which ones) Is this any different than a routing protocol, one layer higher? BGP ??? Scalability Routing overlays (e.g., RON) Performance (convergence speed, etc.)
Interaction of Overlays and IP Network Supposed outcry from ISPs: “Overlays will interfere with our traffic engineering goals.” Likely would only become a problem if overlays became a significant fraction of all traffic Control theory: feedback loop between ISPs and overlays Philosophy/religion: Who should have the final say in how traffic flows through the network? Traffic matrix End-hosts observe conditions, react ISP measures traffic matrix, changes routing config. Changes in end-to-end paths
Interaction of multiple overlays End-hosts observe qualities of end-to-end paths Might multiple overlays see a common “good path” Could these multiple overlays interact to create increase congestion, oscillations, etc.? Selfish routing
Benefits of Overlays Access to multiple paths Fast outage detection Provided by BGP multihoming Fast outage detection But…requires aggressive probing; doesn’t scale Question: What benefits does overlay routing provide over traditional multihoming + intelligent routing selection
Outline Active Networks Overlay Routing (Detour) Overlay Routing (RON) Multi-Homing
Multi-homing With multi-homing, a single network has more than one connection to the Internet. Improves reliability and performance: Can accommodate link failure Bandwidth is sum of links to Internet Challenges Getting policy right (MED, etc..) Addressing
Overlay Routing for Better End-to-End Performance Overlay network Significantly improve Internet performance [Savage99, Andersen01] Compose Internet routes on the fly n! route choices; Very high flexibility Overlay nodes Problems: Third-party deployment, application specific Poor interaction with ISP policies Expensive To overcome these drawbacks and improve end-to-end performance, researchers came up with the idea of overlay routing. Here a third party overlay service provider deploy overlay nodes across various ISPs throughout the Internet. The overlay nodes regularly monitor the IP between themselves and end-nodes. So that if the subscribers def IR is flaky, its traffic can immediately be routed over an alternate path on top of the overlay to avoid the performance problem. In effect, these overlay nodes build an application level network and compose multiple IPs on the fly to yield good alternative end-to-end paths to their subscribers. Notice that overlays allow subscribers the flexibility to use quite arbitrary paths through the Internet topology. And this great flexibility has been shown to significantly improve the Internet performance of end points, by past studies. But overlays are not widely deployed and used due to two key problems: 1. they require a third-party to deploy and manage the overlay, and commercial overlays such as Akamai’s SureRoute are application specific, such as overlays for streaming media and 2. Seocnd, overlays have poor interactions with commercial policies of ISPs. For example, the Internet2 educational backbones is strictly not meant for carrying commercial Internet traffic. But by placing overlay nodes appropriately, such policies can be easily violated. These problems together can significantly increase the price associated with using overlays. 10:15 Download cnn.com over Internet2
Multihoming ISP provides one path per destination Multihoming moderately richer set of routes; “end-only” Verio Sprint ATT In Internet routing, an end-network can only use the path provided by its ISP. As I said earlier, the ISP provides exaclt one path per dest. So if the ISP’s facing perf problem, the end-point is stuck with a poorly perf path. In multihoming, an end network buys and uses connections from multiple ISPs. For example, from sp, At and verio. Each ISPs gives one paths and that makes 3 paths per dest, in this example. So in effect multihoming gives end points a slightly richer set of paths per destination. Also, multihoming is also end-only, in that an end-point just needs to tap into multiple ISPs serving its city. 11:45 End-network with a single ISP connection ISP performance problems stuck with the path “Multihoming” Use multiple ISP connections
k-Overlays vs. k-Multihoming k-Multihoming RTT k-Overlay RTT 3-Overlays relative to 3-Multihoming Across city- destination pairs 1-Overlays Median RTT difference 85% are less than 5ms 90th percentile RTT difference 85% are less than 10ms k-Multihoming The graph here compares the Internet RTTs from the two systems, k-multi and k-overlay. The x-axis is the value of k for either sytem. The y-axis compares the k-multihoming RTTs to k-overlay routing RTTs averaged across all transfers from a city, to various destinations. Since, k-multihoming is strictly inferior, the metric should be above 1. For k=1, 1-overkay is anywhere between better. However, for higher values of k, specifically, k=3, 3-overlays in only about 6% better on average. For throughput, we found the differences for k=3 to be under 3% on average. To understand the absolute differences between these two systems, we looked at the median and the 90th perc RTT differences between 3-overlay routing and 3 multihoming across various city, destination pairs. While the median difference was small, we also found that for 85% of city destination pairs, the 90th perc RTT difference was also very small: under 10ms. This shows that multihoming can provide competitive performance with overlay routing on most ocassions and to most destinations. 26:30 1-Overlays vs 3-Multihoming Multihoming ~2% better in some cities, identical in others Multihoming essential to overcome serious first hop ISP problems 3-Overlay routing RTT 6% better on average than 3-Multihoming (Throughput difference less than 3%)
Multi-homing to Multiple Providers Major issues: Addressing Aggregation Customer address space: Delegated by ISP1 Delegated by ISP2 Delegated by ISP1 and ISP2 Obtained independently ISP3 ISP1 ISP2 Customer
Address Space from one ISP Customer uses address space from ISP1 ISP1 advertises /16 aggregate Customer advertises /24 route to ISP2 ISP2 relays route to ISP1 and ISP3 ISP2-3 use /24 route ISP1 routes directly Problems with traffic load? ISP3 138.39/16 ISP1 ISP2 Customer 138.39.1/24
Pitfalls ISP1 aggregates to a /19 at border router to reduce internal tables. ISP1 still announces /16. ISP1 hears /24 from ISP2. ISP1 routes packets for customer to ISP2! Workaround: ISP1 must inject /24 into I-BGP. ISP3 138.39/16 ISP1 ISP2 138.39.0/19 Customer 138.39.1/24
Address Space from Both ISPs ISP1 and ISP2 continue to announce aggregates Load sharing depends on traffic to two prefixes Lack of reliability: if ISP1 link goes down, part of customer becomes inaccessible. Customer may announce prefixes to both ISPs, but still problems with longest match as in case 1. ISP3 ISP1 ISP2 138.39.1/24 Customer 204.70.1/24
Address Space Obtained Independently Offers the most control, but at the cost of aggregation. Still need to control paths Some ISP’s ignore advertisements with long prefixes ISP3 ISP1 ISP2 Customer