Shout Out Formula Sir /Ma’am you have provoked me. [choose one source to argue AGAINST] You claim that _________________. [a key assertion/ premise linked to H1] Your evidence does not support your claim. [include at least 2 evidentiary examples and explain why the reasoning does or doesn’t adequately connect it to the author’s claim] In addition, your rhetorical choices help deceive your audience, _____________ [state the implied or intended audience]. For example, _________________[include least 1 diction technique example and a quote to illustrate it, explaining how this technique improperly engages and deceives the audience or otherwise enhances the erroneous claim]. Sir /Ma’am you have moved me. [choose one source to argue FOR] You claim that __________________. [a key assertion/ premise linked to H1] Your evidence supports your claim. [include at least 2 evidentiary examples and explain why the reasoning adequately connects it to the author’s claim] In addition, your rhetorical choices help convince your audience, _______________ [state the implied or intended audience]. For example, _________________[include at least 1 diction technique example and a quote to illustrate it, explaining how this technique engages and convinces the audience or enhances the claim]. Therefore, we assert that ______________________________. (your claim on H1 AND H2) (you may refer to any helpful texts and offer reasoning to bolster your assertion) (you have no more than 3 sentences: succinct, apt, gusto!)