Pg. 1—7.6B Physical and Chemical Changes Monday March 19, 2017 Learning Target: 7.12B-Identify the main function of the digestive system. 7.6B-Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter in the digestive system. 7.7B-Illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat and thermal energy in digestion. Agenda- 3/19—Introduction to Digestive System, 3/20—Reading/Notes Digestive System, 3/21—Continue Digestive System, 3/22—Begin Excretory System, 3/23—Possible Quiz on Digestive and Excretory Systems DCA on Body Systems—April 19 Science Starter: Body Systems Workbook Worth the Wait forms Pg. 1—7.6B Physical and Chemical Changes Supplies: Body systems workbook Pencil Agenda By the end of class, I will be able to distinguish between physical and chemical changes. (Specifically chewing food and enzymes acting on food)
Daily Agenda Finish Physical and Chemical Changes Social Contract Rater/Tell me something GOOD! Worth the Wait forms due Friday April 27 DCA Body Systems—April 19 Frog Dissections—April 25 Introduction to Body Systems--VIDEO Pg. 10—Saltine cracker LAB (YES YOU GET TO EAT!) Pg. 11--Wonderful World of Digestion (label the digestive system diagram) Pgs. 12-13 Digestive System Notes Launch—Make Good Choices
It all starts in the Pg. 10 in the Body System Workbook Read introduction Answer the prediction question Step 1 Step 2—we will do this as a class. Wait for instructions to begin. Record time on Step 3…use the timer from the board Answer Step 4 question Mark through step 5 Reflection questions 1-5
Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Tuesday March 20, 2017 Learning Target: 7.12B-Identify the main function of the digestive system. 7.6B-Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter in the digestive system. 7.7B-Illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat and thermal energy in digestion. Agenda- 3/20—Reading/Notes Digestive System, 3/21—Continue Digestive System, 3/22—Begin Excretory System, 3/23—Possible Quiz on Digestive and Excretory Systems DCA on Body Systems—April 19 Supplies: Body systems workbook Textbook Pencil Agenda Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Read pgs. 439-440 in your textbook and answer the chart. Trade and grade By the end of class, I will be able to explain the 4 main functions of the digestive system.
Daily Agenda Reading on Digestive System pgs. 439-440 Social Contract Rater/Tell me something GOOD! Worth the Wait forms due Friday April 27 DCA Body Systems—April 19 Frog Dissections—April 25 Pg. 11--Wonderful World of Digestion (label the digestive system diagram) Pgs. 12-13 Digestive System Notes Launch—Make Good Choices
Digestive System pgs. 11-12
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion = food enters the mouth
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion = food enters the mouth Digestion = process that breaks food down into small molecules
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion = food enters the mouth Digestion = process that breaks food down into small molecules Mechanical digestion = food is chewed and churned Chemical digestion = breaks down large food molecules into smaller molecules to be absorbed by cells
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion = food enters the mouth Digestion = process that breaks food down into small molecules Absorption = small molecules of food are taken into the body cells
Functions of the Digestive System Ingestion = food enters the mouth Digestion = process that breaks food down into small molecules Absorption = small molecules of food are taken into the body cells Elimination = wastes made of unabsorbed food molecules pass out of the body
Which is not a function of the digestive system? Breaking down food into molecules the body can use Absorbing food molecules into the blood to deliver to the body Changing waste into molecules the body can use Eliminating undigested waste from the body
Organs of the Digestive Tract Mouth = digestion starts here
Organs of the Digestive Tract Mouth = digestion starts here Tongue & teeth mechanically break food up
Organs of the Digestive Tract Mouth = digestion starts here Tongue & teeth mechanically break food up Saliva chemically digests food Saliva = mostly made of water, also contains mucus & ptyalin (an enzyme)
Organs of the Digestive Tract Mouth = digestion starts here Tongue & teeth mechanically break food up Saliva chemically digests food Saliva = mostly made of water, also contains mucus & ptyalin (an enzyme) When swallowing, epiglottis (a small flap of tissue) automatically closes over the trachea (windpipe)
Organs of the Digestive Tract Esophagus Smooth muscles force food into the mucus-lined esophagus Rhythmic muscular contractions (peristalsis) push food downward
Organs of the Digestive Tract Stomach Food undergoes mechanical digestion when stomach muscles churn the food Chemical digestion happens when hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin break down the complex proteins Peristalsis pushes the food toward stomach’s exit
Which is not an example of mechanical digestion? Teeth chewing food Tongue breaking up food Smooth muscles in stomach churning food Pepsin & HCl breaking down proteins
What are the muscle contractions that push food through the digestive system called? Elimination Peristalsis Epiglottis Pepsin
What is this structure? Mouth Epiglottis Esophagus Stomach
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food Digestive Helpers Liver = bile is produced here (Bile breaks up fats like dish detergent breaks up grease)
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food Digestive Helpers Liver = bile is produced here (Bile breaks up fats like dish detergent breaks up grease) Gall bladder = bile is stored here until released into the small intestine
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food Digestive Helpers Liver = bile is produced here (Bile breaks up fats like dish detergent breaks up grease) Gall bladder = bile is stored here until released into the small intestine Pancreas = produces pancreatic juices that are released into the small intestine to break down proteins,starches, & fats
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food Digestive Helpers Liver Gall bladder Pancreas Digested food is absorbed through the villi into a network of blood vessels that carry the nutrients to all parts of the body
Organs of the Digestive Tract Small Intestine (6 meters long) Most digestion happens here Intestinal juice (full of enzymes) breaks down food Digestive Helpers Liver, Gall bladder, Pancreas Digested food is absorbed through the villi into a network of blood vessels that carry the nutrients to all parts of the body e) By the time food leaves the small intestine, it is empty of all nutrients except water
Where does most digestion take place? Mouth Stomach Small intestine Liver
Which is true about bile? Bile breaks down proteins. Bile is produced in the liver. Bile is stored in the pancreas. Bile is released into the stomach.
What is this structure? Liver Stomach Gall bladder Pancreas
Organs of the Digestive Tract Large Intestine (1.5 meters long) Undigested food spends 18-24 hours here & most of the water is absorbed
Organs of the Digestive Tract Large Intestine (1.5 meters long) Undigested food spends 18-24 hours here & most of the water is absorbed Helpful bacteria living in large intestine make vitamins K & B
Organs of the Digestive Tract Large Intestine (1.5 meters long) Undigested food spends 18-24 hours here & most of the water is absorbed Helpful bacteria living in large intestine make vitamins K & B Materials not absorbed form into solid waste (dead bacteria, some fat & protein, undigested food, dried out parts of digestive juices & old intestinal cells)
Organs of the Digestive Tract Large Intestine (1.5 meters long) Undigested food spends 18-24 hours here & most of the water is absorbed Helpful bacteria living in large intestine make vitamins K & B Materials not absorbed form into solid waste (dead bacteria, some fat & protein, undigested food, dried out parts of digestive juices & old intestinal cells) Solid waste passes into the rectum and is stored until it is eliminated from the body through the anus
Which process occurs in the large intestine? Digested food is absorbed. Undigested food is absorbed. Water is added to undigested food. Water is absorbed from undigested food. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Which structure is the large intestine? B C D A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
What do the bacteria in the large intestine do? Make you sick Make bile Make vitamins Make food 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Workbook pg.2 (7.7B) Wednesday March 21, 2017 Learning Target: 7.12B-Identify the main function of the digestive system. 7.6B-Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter in the digestive system. 7.7B-Illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat and thermal energy in digestion. Agenda- 3/21—Continue Digestive System, 3/22—Begin Excretory System, 3/23—Possible Quiz on Digestive and Excretory Systems DCA on Body Systems—April 19 Supplies: Body systems workbook Chromebook Pencil Agenda Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Workbook pg.2 (7.7B) By the end of class, I will be able to explain the 4 main functions of the digestive system.
Daily Agenda Social Contract Rater/Tell me something GOOD! Worth the Wait forms due Friday April 27 DCA Body Systems—April 19 Frog Dissections—April 25 Pgs. 12-13 Digestive System Notes Pgs. 14-15 Digestive System Texas Gateways Pgs. 16-17-Energy Transformations Mini Lesson Launch—Make Good Choices
Tracking Energy Transformations As the mountain biker pedals, his leg muscles transform chemical energy into kinetic energy. Kinetic energy of his leg muscles transforms into kinetic energy of the bicycle as he pedals.
Tracking Energy Transformations Some of this energy transforms into potential energy as he moves up the hill. Also, some energy is transformed into thermal energy. His body is warmer because chemical energy is being released
Tracking Energy Transformations Because of friction, the mechanical parts of the bicycle are warmer, too. Thermal energy is almost always produced by an energy transformation.
Tracking Energy Transformations Because of friction, the mechanical parts of the bicycle are warmer, too. Thermal energy is almost always produced by an energy transformation. The energy transformations that occur when people exercise, when cars run, when living things grow and even when stars explode, all produce thermal energy.
Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is never created or destroyed. The only thing that changes is the form in which energy appears. Example: When the biker is resting at the summit, all his original energy is still around. Some of the energy is in the form of potential energy, which he will use as he coasts down the hill. Some of this energy was changed to thermal energy by friction in the bike. Chemical energy was also changed to thermal energy in the biker’s muscles, making him feel hot As he rests, this thermal energy moves from his body to the air around him. No energy is missing--- it can all be accounted for.
Energy Changes Form A car engine burns gasoline, converting the chemical energy in gasoline into mechanical energy. Solar cells change radiant energy into electrical energy. Energy changes form, but the total amount of energy in the universe stays the same.
Transforming Thermal Energy Chemical energy changes into thermal energy when something burns. Electrical energy changes into thermal energy when a wire that is carrying an electric current gets hot. Thermal energy can be transformed into radiant energy such as when a bar of metal is heated to a high temperature, it glows and gives off light.
Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Vocabulary—pgs. 5-9 Thursday March 22, 2017 Learning Target: 7.12B-Identify the main function of the digestive and excretory system. 7.6B-Distinguish between physical and chemical changes in matter in the digestive system. 7.7B-Illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat and thermal energy in digestion. Agenda- 3/22—Begin Excretory System, 3/23—Possible Quiz on Digestive and Excretory Systems DCA on Body Systems—April 19 Supplies: Body systems workbook Chromebook Pencil Agenda Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Vocabulary—pgs. 5-9 By the end of class, I will be able to explain the energy transformations that occur in the digestive system.
Daily Agenda Social Contract Rater/Tell me something GOOD! Worth the Wait forms due Friday April 27 DCA Body Systems—April 19 Frog Dissections—April 25 Pgs. 14-15 Digestive System Texas Gateways Pgs. 16-17-Energy Transformations Mini Lesson Pg. 18--Excretory System Prezi Launch—Make Good Choices
Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Friday March 22, 2017 Learning Target: 7.12B-Identify the main function of the excretory system. Agenda- 3/23—Possible Quiz on Digestive and Excretory Systems DCA on Body Systems—April 19 Science Starter: Turn in --Worth the Wait forms Read pg. 442 in the textbook and answer the infer question. Trade and grade Supplies: Body systems workbook Textbook Pencil Agenda By the end of class, I will be able to explain the main function of the excretory system and the main organs of this system.
Daily Agenda Social Contract Rater/Tell me something GOOD! Worth the Wait forms due Friday April 27 DCA Body Systems—April 19 Frog Dissections—April 25 Pg. 18--Excretory System Prezi Video—Excretory System Pgs. 19 Excretory System Notes Pg. 20—Complete with your table group If you finish everything you may take the digestive system and excretory system boards! Launch—Make Good Choices
Excretory System
Functions of Excretory System Rids blood of wastes (urea)
Functions of Excretory System Rids blood of wastes (urea) Controls blood volume by removing extra water produced by cells
Functions of Excretory System Rids blood of wastes (urea) Controls blood volume by removing extra water produced by cells Balances salts and water so cells can function properly
Organs of the Excretory System Renal Artery = carries blood into the kidney Renal Vein = carries blood out of the kidney
Organs of the Excretory System Kidneys = filter blood that has collected wastes from cells
Organs of the Excretory System Kidneys = filter blood that has collected wastes from cells Nephrons = filters inside the kidneys Produce urine (sterile waste fluid, 96% water)
Organs of the Excretory System Ureters = tubes that lead from each kidney to bladder
Organs of the Excretory System Urinary bladder = muscular organ that holds urine
Organs of the Excretory System Urethra = tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body
Other Excretory Organs Skin = releases perspiration (water & salts) to cool off body
Other Excretory Organs Lungs = release carbon dioxide from the body