Welcome to the Worship Service of the Lakeland Hills Church of Christ
Our Worship Service will Begin Momentarily
If You are Visiting with Us for the First Time, Please fill out a Visitor’s Card located in the Song Book Rack in Front of You. Please Hand it to one of the Men in the Back as you Leave.
This Congregation of the Lord’s People strive to follow the Commands, Examples, and Inescapable Conclusions taught in the New Testament Scriptures as our Practice and Guide.
The Scriptures thru Inspiration Teach the Work of the Church is the Following: 1. Evangelism 2. Edification 3. Benevolence to Needy Saints
The Work of the Church is Not Centered Around: 1. Social Activities 2 The Work of the Church is Not Centered Around: 1. Social Activities 2. Recreational Events 3. Entertainment 4. Business Ventures 5. Secular Education
We are Glad you have Chosen to Worship with Us this Lord’s Day.
Please Take this Week’s Bulletin Articles to Help our Faith Current List of the Sick List of those to serve in Upcoming Services There is a long list of sick for which we need to Pray.
Helps and Information: Web – www.landlakehillschurchofchrist.com Sound Gospel Preaching and Teaching. Scriptural Worship to Jehovah God. Explanation Available to the Work and Worship of this Congregation. Worship Service this Evening at 6:00pm Mid Week Bible Study – Wed. 7:30pm
There will be an Elders and Deacons Meeting Monday – July 10, 2017 Time – 7:00 pm Location – Church Building
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:1-7
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:1 “Come Let us Sing for Joy to the Lord; Let Us Shout Aloud to the Rock of Our Salvation” Psalm 95:1
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:2 “Let Us Come before His Presence with Thanksgiving; Let Us Shout Joyfully to Him with Psalms” Psalm 95:2
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:3-4 “For the Lord is the Great God, and the Great King above all gods. In His Hand are the Deep Places of the Earth; The Heights of the Hills are His also.” Psalm 95:3-4
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:5 “The Sea is His for He Made it; and His Hands formed the Dry Land” Psalm 95:5
A Call to Worship Psalm 95:6-7 “O Come let Us Worship and Bow Down; Let Us Kneel before the Lord our Maker. For He is our God, and We are the People of His Pasture, and the Sheep of His Hand.” Psalm 95:6-7
May We the People of God All Humbly Worship Him Who Created Heaven and Earth and All Things Therein!
Please Silence All Cell Phones and Electronic Devices