ACTS Dig Site 16 Red Level Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

ACTS Dig Site 16 Red Level Questions

When did some Jews from the province of Asia see Paul at the temple When he was preaching When the seven days were nearly over When he was with some Greeks

When did some Jews from the province of Asia see Paul at the temple When he was preaching When the seven days were nearly over When he was with some Greeks

What person did the Jews think Paul had brought into the temple Peter Cornelius Trophimus

What person did the Jews think Paul had brought into the temple Peter Cornelius Trophimus

What happened immediately after the Jews dragged Paul from the temple They killed Paul. Paul regained strength. The gates were shut.

What happened immediately after the Jews dragged Paul from the temple They killed Paul. Paul regained strength. The gates were shut.

In Jerusalem, what did the rioters do when they saw the commander and his soldiers? (21:32) The scattered. They stopped beating Paul. They began to defend themselves.

In Jerusalem, what did the rioters do when they saw the commander and his soldiers? (21:32) The scattered. They stopped beating Paul. They began to defend themselves.

In Jerusalem, who arrested Paul and ordered him to be bound with two chains? (21:33) The commander The rioters The Jerusalem officials

In Jerusalem, who arrested Paul and ordered him to be bound with two chains? (21:33) The commander The rioters The Jerusalem officials

What did the commander order when he could not get at the truth from the crowd? (21:34) “That Paul be taken into the barracks” “That the crowd be taken away” “That Paul be killed immediately”

What did the commander order when he could not get at the truth from the crowd? (21:34) “That Paul be taken into the barracks” “That the crowd be taken away” “That Paul be killed immediately”

Why did the soldiers have to carry Paul up the steps to the barracks Paul could not walk. James was trying to prevent the soldiers from taking him. The violence of the crowd was so great.

Why did the soldiers have to carry Paul up the steps to the barracks Paul could not walk. James was trying to prevent the soldiers from taking him. The violence of the crowd was so great.

What did the crowd keep shouting to the commander about Paul? (21:36) “Free Paul!” “Get rid of him!” “Release him to us.”

What did the crowd keep shouting to the commander about Paul? (21:36) “Free Paul!” “Get rid of him!” “Release him to us.”

Who did the commander think Paul was? (21:37-38) An Italian An Egyptian A Jew

Who did the commander think Paul was? (21:37-38) An Italian An Egyptian A Jew

Where did Paul say he was from? (21:39) From Ephesus From Damascus From Tarsus in Cilicia

Where did Paul say he was from? (21:39) From Ephesus From Damascus From Tarsus in Cilicia

In what language did Paul speak to the crowd in Jerusalem? (21:40) Aramaic Greek Latin

In what language did Paul speak to the crowd in Jerusalem? (21:40) Aramaic Greek Latin

What did the crowd do when they heard Paul speak in Aramaic? (22:2) They broke into a riot. They became very quiet. They immediately believed in Jesus Christ.

What did the crowd do when they heard Paul speak in Aramaic? (22:2) They broke into a riot. They became very quiet. They immediately believed in Jesus Christ.

What did Paul say had happened when he returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple? (22:17) He received a great peace. He fell into a trance. He became very afraid.

What did Paul say had happened when he returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple? (22:17) He received a great peace. He fell into a trance. He became very afraid.

What reason did the Lord give Paul for him to leave Jerusalem Because their hearts had become hard. Because the Jews would not accept his testimony about the Lord Because the Lord had not chosen them

What reason did the Lord give Paul for him to leave Jerusalem Because their hearts had become hard. Because the Jews would not accept his testimony about the Lord Because the Lord had not chosen them

Where did the Lord say He would send Paul? (22:21) “To the people there in Jerusalem” “To an unknown location” “Far away to the Gentiles”

Where did the Lord say He would send Paul? (22:21) “To the people there in Jerusalem” “To an unknown location” “Far away to the Gentiles”

In Jerusalem, what did the crowd shout after Paul said he was to go to the Gentiles? (22:22) “Rid the earth of him!” “He’s not fit to live!” Both answers are correct.

In Jerusalem, what did the crowd shout after Paul said he was to go to the Gentiles? (22:22) “Rid the earth of him!” “He’s not fit to live!” Both answers are correct.

What did Paul say when the commander asked if he was a Roman citizen “Yes, I am.” “No, I was just teasing.” “My citizenship belongs to the Kingdom of God.”

What did Paul say when the commander asked if he was a Roman citizen “Yes, I am.” “No, I was just teasing.” “My citizenship belongs to the Kingdom of God.”

Who was born a citizen of Rome? (22:28) The commander Paul Peter

Who was born a citizen of Rome? (22:28) The commander Paul Peter

Finish this verse: “Now go; I will help you speak and will …” (Exodus 4:12) “… protect you from all harm.” “… reward you greatly.” “… teach you what to say.”

Finish this verse: “Now go; I will help you speak and will …” (Exodus 4:12) “… protect you from all harm.” “… reward you greatly.” “… teach you what to say.”