Knowledge Broker Gateway NHS Scotland Librarians National Meeting, 4th November 2014 Stephen Winch
Exercise 1 (20 mins) Create a wireframe for your Boards services as they might appear on the Broker Gateway What info would you present at Board/library level? e.g. Address, social media, opening hours? What services are available? e.g. e.g. Packaging knowledge in actionable forms, Search and summary services, Creating communities- Knowledge/Information skills training
Ask a Librarian Request an evidence search from a librarian
Exercise 2 (25 mins) Imagine a user from your Board coming to the Knowledge Broker Gateway. How would the Gateway enable the user to access the range of Knowledge into Action support What are the benefits and risks of this coordinated approach – from the perspective of the user and of the library service? Advantages For User For Library Dis-advantages Concerns