Ex post evaluation of the ESF ( )


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Presentation transcript:

Ex post evaluation of the ESF (2000-2006) Evaluation Partnership meeting Sevilla, 16 March 2010 Unit 03 Evaluation and Impact Assessment, DG EMPL

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Provisional results Context and utilisation of resources Impact on the functioning of the labour market Gender equality Social inclusion and equal opportunities

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Context and utilisation of resources Demetrio García Mirón, Unit 03 Evaluation and Impact Assessment, DG EMPL

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Regulatory mandate According to Article 43 of Council Regulation 1260/1999 the ex post evaluation: shall cover: ■ the utilisation of resources ■ the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of ESF interventions ■ the factors for success and failure of implementation shall be the responsibility of the Commission, in collaboration with the MS and MA Be carried out by independent evaluators

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Ex post evaluation plan Studies/evaluations Contractors Analysis of the relevance and reliability of available information for the ex post evaluation of the ESF (2000-2006) (Preliminary study) Contract awarded to Euréval (FR) with Ramboll management (DK) Ex post evaluation of the 2000-2006 ESF support to the Open Method of Coordination in Social Protection and Social Inclusion (Thematic evaluation) Consortium led by the Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (IT), with the Tavistock Institute (UK), the Research Institute of Quality of Life (RO) and the Rehabilitation Foundation (FI) Ex post evaluation of the 2000-2006 ESF: Impact on the functioning of the labour market and on the investment in human capital infrastructure through support to systems and structures Consortium led by ISMERI Europa (IT) with Amnyos (FR) Ex post evaluation of the EQUAL Community Initiative Consortium led by METIS (AT) with Kantor Management Consultants (GR) Ex post evaluation of the European Social Fund (2000-2006) Consortium led by the London School of Economics (UK) with Vision & Value (IT), Red2Red Consultores (ES), Expanzio Consulting (HU) and Deutschland Denken! (DE)

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Evaluation tools Desk research (OPs, PCs, MTEs, AIRs, SFC,…) Mapping (objectives, interventions, indicators) Interviews (MA, IB, PM, FR, experts, nat. evaluators) Focus groups Expert panels Case studies Surveys Stakeholders dialogue

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Overview figures (2000-2006) vs (2007-2013) (including EQUAL) % 2007-2013 Nb of programmes 238 117 Nb of measures 2136 633 Nb of priority axis Expenditure at 9/2009 120 bn € 117 bn € Amount budgeted ESF 62 bn € 52% 76 bn € 65% Member States 58 bn € 48% 41 bn € 35%

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Total expenditure on ESF programmes per MS, € mio

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Total expenditure on ESF programmes (ESF, National, Private) per MS, %

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Yearly ESF expenditure per person aged 15-64 (data 2006) per MS

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Estimated distribution of ESF expenditure by EES Guideline

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Estimated % of ESF expenditure by policy field

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Estimated distribution of ESF expenditure per instrument

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) % of ESF expenditure for measures targeting explicit groups

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) Number of participations in ESF activities by MS, x1000 Over 75.000.000 participations Over 75.000.000 participations

EX POST EVALUATION OF THE ESF (2000-2006) % Participations per population aged 15-64 (data 2006) per MS 24% of 15-64 population