A lot done but more to do………. Guidance & Counselling R Sexton 6th year students A lot done but more to do………. Guidance & Counselling R Sexton
Have you ?…… Registered with CAO? Ticked disability------DARE Ticked HEAR Ticked SUSI Check accommodation What’s next ??????
HEAR Applications Financial Indicators 1. INCOME Your family income falls on or below the HEAR Income Limit. 2. MEDICAL CARDS Your family has a Medical Card or GP Visit Card on 31 December 2016. 3. MEANS TESTED SOCIAL WELFARE PAYMENT Your family received a means-tested payment from the Department of Social Protection for at least 26 weeks in 2015. Social and Cultural Indicators: 4. SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROUP You belong to a group that is under-represented in higher education based on the occupation and employment status of your parent(s) or guardian(s). The underrepresented groups are the non-manual workers group and the semi & unskilled manual workers groups. 5. SCHOOL You completed five years in a secondary school that takes part in the Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS) scheme run by the Department of Education & Skills. 6. AREA You live in an area where there is concentrated disadvantage – in other words an area where, for example, there is high unemployment and poverty and where only a small proportion of adults have attained third level education. To be eligible for the HEAR Scheme you must meet the Low Income indicator (no. 1) plus a combination of two other indicators. Combinations that allow you to take part in the HEAR Scheme are: INDICATOR 1 plus 2 plus 4 or 5 or 6 INDICATOR 1 plus 3 plus 4 or 5 or 6 INDICATOR 1 plus 4 plus 5 or 6 INDICATOR 1 plus 5 plus 6
DARE Applicants…..complete application Section A Section B Educational statement April 1st collect form from my office Section C Forms available for gathering information
National University of Ireland (NUI) If exempt from Irish If exempt from other languages I born outside Ireland but not exempt from Irish You Must Notify NUI www.nui.ie Send a Copy of the exemption( Mrs O Donoghue after Thursday) A Copy of your birth cert Sighed by the Principal
Colleges of Further Education Open day Tuesday March 7st 2017 62170B is school roll number Apply on line Group interviews Progression plan????? Maths requirement
Grants and Finance www.studentfinance.ie www.susi.ie Student assist in colleges College websites scholarships, http://www.ucd.ie/adastraacademy/academic/ http://www.ucc.ie/en/registration/scholarships/ Specific awards eg. Sports music etc Intel Women in Technology De Puy JP McManus Naughton Foundation