Eukaryotic Cell Structure Parts of an Advanced Cell
Typical Animal Cell
Typical Plant cell Cell wall Plasma membrane
Outer Coverings Cell Wall Plasma Membrane cellulose lignin polysaccharides Plasma Membrane bilayer of phospholipids
Cytoplasm Fluid matrix of the cell
Sub-cellular Organelles Nucleus Control center of the cell Nucleolus
Ribosomes Enlarged view
Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Rough
Golgi Body vesicles
Vacuoles Large in plants Small in animals
Plastids Chloroplasts Photosynthetic only
Lysosomes Get rid of garbage and defense against attack Bacterial attack Eliminating old cell parts
Peroxisomes Get rid of metabolic waste
Centrioles Animal cells only
Support/structure Cytoskeleton microtubules
Organization of the Body A. Cells B. Tissues C. Organs D. Organ systems E. Organism