Citizenship in the United States
You are legally an American citizen if : You were born in the U.S. or its territories. This is true even if your parents were not citizens at the time, unless they were living in the U.S. as representatives of a foreign gov’t
You are legally an American citizen if : At least one of your parents was a U.S. citizen when you were born You have been naturalized You were under age eighteen when your parents were naturalized
The Naturalization Process Fill out & submit application/biographi-cal info, & fingerprints You must prove: You are at least 18 years old You have lived in US at least 5 years (3 years if married during that time to a US citizen) & in your state for 6 mo
The Naturalization Process Your character & behavior reflect accepted moral standards You are loyal to the basic values of US gov’t & have not supported any group seeking overthrow You can read, write, speak English & know history, and form of gov’t
The Naturalization Process Final Hearing: after INS investigation, you will be asked to take oath of loyalty in court and be given certificate of citizenship. Green Card: Is different because it grants permanent residence, most rights, but no political rights.
Rights of citizens: Vote and hold elected office Say what you think in speech or in writing Practice your own religion (or none)
Rights of citizens: Fair trial Protected by your gov’t when abroad Privacy in your home & personal life
Duties of citizens: Obey the laws Defend the nation Serve on juries Serve as witness in trials Pay taxes Attend school
Responsibilities of citizens: Contribute to the ‘common good’ : acting in ways that protect the rights and freedoms of other Americans, making this a better place to live
Responsibilities of citizens: Voting Hold public office Help with election campaigns Influence government (petition) Serve community