Advanced Rhetorical Devices Reviewing Vocabulary
Review Vocabulary Alliteration – Same consonant sound at the start of words Anaphora – Repetition of a word or words at the start of a sentence or phrase Chiasmus – Reversal in syntax to make the second half have different meaning
Review Vocabulary Hyperbole – extreme statements not meant to be taken literally Allusion – Brief reference to a person, place, or thing of cultural significance Synecdoche – a figure of speech where a part is made to represent the whole
Review Vocabulary Epic Simile– a detailed comparison spanning several lines Parallel Structure– using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance Polysyndeton– the use of several coordinating conjunctions in rapid succession
Review Vocabulary Antithesis –Two opposing ideas placed together to achieve a contrasting effect Assonance – Two or more words placed close together that repeat the same vowel sound Periphrasis – The use excessive or longer words which could have been conveyed with a shorter expression or fewer words