Sugar skull selfies
OBJECTIVE Students will create a Sugar Skull Selfie by choosing certain shapes from each category in the packet until Selfie is complete. Students may also add hair, eyebrows, or any other defining facial feature (freckles, glasses, lips, etc.).
***If students are in more than one art class, for their second Sugar Skull Selfie, they can create a pet, family member, or just get creative!***
Monday - Sketch Students will use the Sugar Skull Shapes packet to create a rough sketch. They will pick one of the choices given for each category to construct their selfie. This may be completed on a sheet of notebook paper. MUST remember that sugar skulls are symmetrical. This means shapes AND colors are symmetrical!!!! Color with colored pencils. Turn into green box in Sketch folder!
Tuesday - Begin Real Selfie Students will enlarge their sketch to fill up a 9”x12”piece of white drawing paper. They may change any designs from their sketch, as long as they keep it symmetrical! They will also be expected to add any additional features, such as eyebrows, hair, beards, hats, accessories, etc.
Wednesday – Continue. Students will complete sketching their Sugar Skull Selfies Outline in black Sharpie. They will then use colored pencils to add bright colors to their Selfies. *Make sure colored pencil is OPAQUE, meaning that each color is dark and neat.
Thursday – Continue. Continue with colored pencils—Make sure each section is filled in dark and neatly!!! Students will then cut out their Sugar Skull Selfies and paste them onto a coordinating color of construction paper to create a solid background!
Friday – Complete Selfies Students will all complete their sugar skull selfies. MAKE SURE NAMES ARE ON BACK!!! IF students complete Sugar Skull Selfies, they may complete: Blind Contour Paintings in Art Sewing projects in Printmaking Exposed Coil Pots OR Glazing in Ceramics. IF students complete Sugar Skull Selfies AND other project, they may make up their absence points by cleaning an area of the room (shown by A on roster). IF students have no absences to make up points from, they may use the rest of the period as a study hall.