A large ear of corn has a total of 433 grains, including 271 purple & starchy, 73 purple & starchy, 63 yellow & starchy, and 26 yellow & sweet. HYPOTHESIS: This ear of corn was produced by a dihybrid cross (PpSs X PpSs) involving two pairs of heterozygous genes resulting in a theoretical (expected) ratio of 9:3:3:1. Test your hypothesis using Chi-square and probability values. SHOW YOUR WORK!
PHENOTYPE OBSERVED EXPECTED Purple & starchy 271 433 X 9/16 = 243.56 Purple & Sweet 73 433 X 3/16 =81.19 Yellow & Starchy 63 433 X 3/16 = 81.19 Yellow & sweet 26 433 X 1/16 = 27.06 TOTAL 433 (271-243.54)2 + (73-81.19)2 + (63-81.19)2 + (26 - 27.06)2 243.56 81.19 81.19 27.06 X2= 2.99 + 67.07 + 4.075 + 0.0415 = 74.18
df = 4-1 = 3 0.5 probability = 7.82 X2 = 74.18 Reject the null hypothesis. Not a 9:3:3:1 cross