Binary Code Cracking.


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Presentation transcript:

Binary Code Cracking

Today’s Learning Objective “Learn how to decode binary numbers”. Write this Learning Objective onto your Self Assessment Sheet. Wednesday, 28 November 2018

How do Computers Talk? Is this right? Not bad Steve but my hard drive’s playing up a bit. Hello Bill how ya doin? Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers How do Computers Talk? NO!!! This is more like it: 10110011 01011010 10000101 10010100 10010100 11010111 10110101 Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers Computer Talk Computers communicate and share data using 1’s and 0’s. This is called: Binary Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers Usually written as 8 bits: The people holding signs would be 1’s and those without would be 0’s. + + 8 = 11 2 1 Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers Decoding Binary The 8 bits represent: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 So to convert 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 we can use the table below: 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Adding these together gives 21 Learn how to decode binary numbers

The Binary Game Left Half VS. Right Half Select 1 representative from each half of the room. Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers Task Use the help sheet called “Decoding Binary Numbers” to decode the secret message that has been emailed to you. Copy and paste the email into a Word document and write the real message underneath. Learn how to decode binary numbers

Learn how to decode binary numbers Extension Task Play the Binary Game yourself and see what score you get. Learn how to decode binary numbers

Today’s Learning Objective “Learn how to decode binary numbers”. Put  or  onto your Self Assessment sheet to show whether or not you have achieved today’s learning objective. Wednesday, 28 November 2018