The Midterm Group Project
What you must do Determine 4 business processes from nop Commerce that you will model and consider implementing. Complete your group design document up to and including High-Level Design. (See Syllabus) Prepare a 10 minute presentation of your business processes and its design.
The Presentation Keep it to 10 minutes, tops. Follow the format of your design document Cover what you plan to model, including: Business processes, facts and dimensions How you will conform your dimensions to create an enterprise DW. How you will collect data from the sources / acquire the data for the DW Those things you have yet to figure out I will give you feedback and it is expected you will adjust your Design document accordingly. Final draft of the design document is due by the end of the day.
Grading Rubric Performance Criteria Exemplary 10 Complete design document up to / including High-Level Design. Design based on 4 business processes. Organized presentation hits on all key points. Presentation kept to 5-10 minutes. No glaring issues with dimensional model designs. Outstanding 9 Only one of the exemplary criteria not met. This includes one issue with dimensional model design. Satisfactory 8 1-2 exemplary criteria not met. More than 1 issue with dimensional model design. Unsatisfactory 7 or lower 3 or more project criteria are not met. Poor or missing designs.
Group Project Work. Take remainder of class time to work on your project.